UNITA-Universitas Montium Alliance brings together six comprehensive universities, five different countries and over 165.000 students. Because student-centered education stands at the very core of this consortium, the cooperation of student representatives from each partner University is vital in order to have the best possible outcomes regarding the purpose of the European Commission’s initiative: European Universities.
UNITA does not only acknowledge the importance of students in the educational process and in restructuring the higher education area but also gives them a voice: Two student representatives as a part of two decisional boards: the Governance Board(GB) and the Quality Assurance Board(QAB).
After fruitful, diverse, long and very lucrative meetings of the first students which signed up to be part of UNITA’S Students Assembly, we had our first elections; In a democratic environment, making sure to respect our gender-based and transparency policies, the first members of UNITA’s Students Assembly made their choice:
Denisa Ungurean, UNITA Student at the West University of Timișoara, was elected as the student representative in the Governance Board.
“UNITA Students now have a voice and it is growing louder and louder. Come join UNITA’S Student Assembly and be part of a community which brings together more than 165.000 students. Have a say in changing the higher education area, leave your mark.”
–Denisa Ungurean, UNITA’s Student representative in the Governance Board
Edoardo Miserere, UNITA Student at Università degli Studi di Torino, was elected as the student representative in the Quality Assurance Board.
As we are just starting our journey together, we have selected the main reasons you should join UNITA’s Students Assembly. Check them out:
You’ll learn more about yourself.
Think about how beneficial will this be for your future career.
You’ll gain intercomprehension skills.
Intercomprehension is an amazing language-learning concept which is specific for UNITA because of the romance languages spoken by all the partners.
You’ll learn how to work in a multicultural and inter-universitary team.
Meet your colleagues from Italy, Spain, France, Romania and Portugal and find out more about your common interests.
You’ll have fun!
Meeting new people, making new friends, and participating in activities will help you make the most of your experience as a student!
UNITA’s Students Assembly definitely has a lot to offer! Whether you join as a member or choose to lead one working team of the student organization, simply taking part in this extracurricular group will enhance your university experience. Gaining skills, making connections, and broadening your knowledge through UNITA’s Students Assembly will help you become a more well-rounded individual — one who is ready to take on their future career!
Stay close to us and join UNITA’S Student Assembly!
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