UNITA’S Students Assembly Kick Off Meeting

UNITA’S Students Assembly Kick Off Meeting

Among the ambitious goals that the European inter-university aliance, UNITA-Universitas Montium, has set up is the oranisation of a student body representing the six universities of the consortium. On Thursday, the 22nd April 2021, a first virtual meeting of students appointed by the six consortium partners took place, marking an important step in solidifying links between universities, cultures, communities and especially students.

At least three students from each university were appointed in the initial organization stage, depending on their educational level: MA,BA and PhD. Unlike the other alliances formed so far at the initiative of the European Commission, UNITA offers a decision-making and operational role for the student organization: The voice of students will be heard in two important decision-making bodies of the project: The Governance Board and the Quality Assurance Board, through two representative students chosen by the members of the student body.

The first meeting started with the presentation of the project: Values, mission, objectives, work packages and theoretical concepts that the student organization will need. A social platform was presented, platform which will be available to students and administrative staff, which will be both a friendly working space and a place with an interactive dimension where we will get to know our team better.

Professor and intercomprehension trainer at the University of studies in Turin, Elisa Corino, presented the concept of student intercomprehension, a concept that stands at the very core of UNITA alliance. At the end of the Q&A session, students had the opportunity to exchange their first ideas and make the first decisions regarding their responsibility – UNITA’s Students Assembly. Since the project’s main objectives and principles include the creation of a learning space focused on students’ needs, the role of such a structure is vital.

The meeting ended after three hours of debate, opinions and hopes on the future of the UNITED alliance, with the first decisions on the Students Assembly, taken unanimously, in a democratic and fair manner. The features of the student organization, the definitive structure, student representatives in decision-making councils and building multinational and inter-university working teams are just some of the items on the agenda of the next meeting, which will take place in May.

We will soon have a new and unique student organization by purpose and means – UNITA’s Student Assembly. Stay close and follow us to find out how you can easily get involved and shape the European higher education area!