From the 18th to the 22nd of Semptember 2023, the West University of Timișoara hosted the students and faculties participating in the MOTOR Project – Mobility Training Opportunities and Research.
The MOTOR program is a mobility program that brought together 30 bachelor students from two UNITA universities (University of Turin, West University of Timișoara), as well as the University of Peloponnese in order to reach the following objectives: 1) Enhancement of intercultural competences and cultural awareness of students and teachers of the partner universities; 2) Strengthening the link between the academic world and the business world; 3) Consolidation of the UNITA network and promotion of the internationalization of universities.
These objectives have been pursued through carrying out joint international and multi-disciplinary training actions. These training activities have fostered the growth of cultural sensitivity in both students and teachers through raising awareness of existing stereotypes and prejudices and opening up to new perspectives. The team worked from the contribution of different disciplines – psychology, anthropology, sociology, education – on the enhancement of intercultural competences.
The first mobility phase took place in Torino – from the 15th to the 21st of May 2023 – the second mobility phase has recently been completed in Timișoara in September 2023. The mobilities were fundamental in developing the intercultural competences of students through direct and in-person experiences.
The training weeks consisted of different seminars, lectures with external guests, field visits to local organizations, and subgroup activities. The students continued their work in a blended context, meeting online to work on small group projects.
For the coming months, the participating students will continue to work together on developing designs for training programs targeting SMEs and NGOs that they will have to present to the lecturers participating in the project.
The Project Coordinator is Professor Roberta Ricucci, Department of Culture, Politics and Society of the University of Turin, together with Ph.D. Student in Social and Political Change Stella Pinna Pintor, as part of her PhD activities. Additionally, the Department of Psychology – Anna Miglietta, Computer Science – Viviana Patti, and Human Studies –Gabriella Taddeo – of the University of Turin are involved.
From the West University of Timișoara, the Project referent is Leyla Safta-Zecheria, Department of Educational Sciences, working together with Marius Matichescu from the Department of Sociology, and Simona Herczeg, from the Department of Political Sciences.
From the University of Peloponnese, Sotiris Petropoulos and Asteris Huliaras, from the Department of Political Science and International Relations, are involved.
As company partner, Viviana Premazzi, founder of Global Mindset Development Malta is involved.
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact Stella Pinna Pintor, from University of Turin. Email