UVT Foundation
- 0256 592 391
- fundatia.uvt@e-uvt.ro
- Timișoara, Piata Libertatii no. 1, office 2, ground floor
The main purpose of the foundation is to "promoting the values of culture, science and civilization through the realization of a public-private partnership, with the involvement of graduates of the Western University of Timisoara, cultural and scientific personalities and representatives of the socio-economic environment in the country and abroad."
In December 2012, the Universitatea de Vest Timişoara Foundation was established, which wants real and active support in the development of UVT's educational, research and social responsibility projects.
The main goal of the foundation represents him "promoting the values of culture, science and civilization by creating a public-private partnership, with the involvement of graduates (alumni) of the Western University of Timisoara, cultural and scientific personalities and representatives of the socio-economic environment in the country and abroad."
In order to achieve the goal, the foundation will also pursue other objectives consisting of:
- the development of the consciousness of belonging of the graduates of the Western University of Timişoara to a social group with high moral, civic and professional values, the members of this group being characterized by the concern for excellence; the achievement of these goals is achieved both through own activity and through the collaboration between the graduates of the Western University of Timisoara, the higher education institution they graduated from, and society;
- the involvement of the graduates of the West University of Timişoara in the activities of the foundation;
- the organization of scientific, cultural, artistic and sports research activities;
- the organization of professional training and specialization activities for graduates of the Western University of Timisoara and for other people;
- promoting culture, science and civilization among the general public;
- supporting the modernization of higher education, strengthening relations with university and scientific research environments in the country and abroad;
- promoting good relations with the business environment in the country and abroad, placing graduates in appropriate positions, supporting the didactic and scientific process in higher education by entrepreneurs;
- creating and running consulting programs for companies and institutions from the country and abroad;
- encouraging young researchers and teachers, graduates of the Western University of Timisoara, to carry out specialization studies, financing internships in the country and abroad and supporting their participation in internal and international conferences and congresses;
- stimulating deserving students and graduates of the Western University of Timisoara through scholarships in the country and abroad;
- supporting projects for the revitalization of strategic academic fields within the Western University of Timişoara by financing specific activities;
- the establishment of a scholarship system for high school graduates, future students of UVT with outstanding performances in the field of exact sciences, socio-humanities, culture, art and sport;
- the organization and running of scientific events, summer schools, schools with thematic training, promotional trips for pre-university students, students and employees of UVT;
- organizing and running caravans to promote the institutional image and academic programs of UVT, both in the country and abroad;
- attracting and using, under legal conditions, funding sources, resources and economic assets, in the form of subsidies, subscriptions, donations, contributions, sponsorships and other legal forms in order to achieve the foundation's purpose;
- providing specialized assistance and financial support for the editing of works (books, courses, application notebooks, etc.) and other scientific, cultural and artistic publications;
- ensuring the financing from own funds of the investment objectives necessary to carry out the foundation's activity, the development and modernization of the material base (spaces intended for teaching, study and research, social - cultural activities, computer technology, specific equipment, printing and multiplying equipment, means of transport etc.);
- providing financial support to the graduates of the University of West Timisoara and the other members of the foundation in the form of mutual aid for non-profit actions and for the organization of social, cultural, scientific, sports and artistic actions.
The purpose of the foundation is not limited to the above, but will correspond to the personal non-patrimonial interests of the Founder.
Starting from the Europe 2020 strategy, which envisages a sustainable, intelligent and knowledge-based growth and from the implications of public administration decisions on their stakeholders, the National Agency of Public Servants and the Western University of Timișoara have identified the possibility of improving the professional training process continues based on the most effective use of the knowledge and skills acquired in the exercise of the activity by civil servants and local elected officials.
Also, realizing the value of these skills and knowledge and the need to preserve, develop and disseminate them, the Regional Center for Continuous Training for Local Public Administration Timișoara in collaboration with the University of the West, proposed to transmit it to as many civil servants as possible and local elected officials of these skills and knowledge through continuous professional training programs. .
In this sense, with the support of credible partners interested in the most effective implementation of continuous improvement programs, such as the Timiș County Council, the Timișoara City Hall, the Timiș Prefect's Institution, the Caraș-Severin County Council, the Territorial Inspectorate of the Border Police, the Inspectorate of Timiș Gendarmes, the Environmental Guard, the County School Inspectorate, the Territorial Labor Inspectorate, the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection, we want to sign collaboration contracts through which we can meet the needs of our partners and create together a manual of good practices in the field of continuous professional training in local public administration. .
Concretely, by providing the students with a competent, efficient and integral human resource, made up of academics, for conceptual and theoretical approaches and civil servants with experience and good results, for the development of the practical notions with which civil servants work, we are convinced that we will succeed to create new standards in terms of professional training within the local public administration, with a positive, real and long-term impact on the beneficiaries of public services. .
The graph of the training programs
The Universitatea de Vest Timișoara Foundation was established on 19.12.2012, with the West University of Timișoara as its sole founding member. The main purpose of the Foundation consists in "promoting the values of culture, science and civilization through the realization of a public-private partnership, with the involvement of graduates (alumni) of the Western University of Timisoara, cultural and scientific personalities and representatives of the socio-economic environment in the country and abroad."
In the first year of operation, the Foundation Universitatea de Vest Timişoara wanted real and active support in the development of educational, research and social responsibility projects of the University of West Timişoara. In this sense, the UVT Foundation has carried out a series of projects, as organizer or partner, with beneficial effects for the UVT community:
- starting and supporting some activities on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of UVT ("UVT 70" event). The UVT Foundation has submitted over 20 project applications in partnership with UVT faculties to obtain non-refundable funds from the Timiș County Council and the Timișoara City Hall;
- organizing and running some scientific events, as co-organizer: the international colloquium COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE IN EUROPEAN ROMANIA (24-25.09.2013), the international conference "COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY", November 7-9, 2013 (CESC 2013);
- supporting some projects with the socio-economic environment at the initiative of some departments and teaching staff from UVT (eg the "InterFoto 2013" project, partnership with the Department of Design and Applied Arts, the Faculty of Arts and Design and the City Hall of Timișoara; the "Impact of cultural activities" project carried out by cultural institutions under the administrative subordination of CJ Timiş on the citizens of the urban environment - in the first stage on the population of Timişoara, the project "Sociological study on the public impact of the candidacy of the Municipality of Timişoara for the title of European Capital of Culture in 2021" partnership with the Department of Sociology , the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology and the Timiș County Council, respectively the Timișoara European Cultural Capital Association 2021);
- the organization of professional training courses and activities in partnership with the National Agency of Civil Servants, the Regional Continuous Training Center for the Timișoara Local Public Administration;
- conducting consultancy programs for companies and public institutions (Sports Club ACS Poli Timișoara, "Basket-Club" Association Timișoara, Reșiţa City Hall, Sebiș City Hall, etc.);
- providing financial and logistical support for cultural, scientific and artistic events (eg the publication of the volume "Philosophy of Saint Gerard de Cenad in a cultural and biographical context", the digitization of some films from the UVT Archive, representative films for the academic community that were printed during 1969 -1985).
The Universitatea de Vest Timişoara Foundation also focused on the activity of fundraising, being attracted financial resources from sponsorship contracts and from the operation of directing the percentage of 2% of the income tax from the alumni community of UVT, representatives of the business environment, but also from the human resources of the Western University of Timisoara that have been or will be used to support the Foundation's future activities.
The financial situation for the period 01.01 - 31.12.2013 of the Universitatea de Vest Timișoara Foundation is presented in the following table:
On 31.12.2013, the Universitatea de Vest Timișoara Foundation had available funds in the current account of 300.368,60 lei and 1130,01 euros, respectively, available funds placed in bank deposits in the amount of 100.000 lei.