COVID-19 prevention measures
- UVT rules and recommendations
- Prevention plan
- The procedure regarding the way of carrying out the activities and implementing the plan of measures
- ORDER no. 5.338/1.082/2021
- Vaccination campaign information against COVID-19
- Information regarding employees of the Western University of Timisoara vaccinated against COVID-19
COVID-19 form
This form is intended for employees and students, in order to transmit information related to the SARS COV-2 pandemic at the UVT level.
Although we are facing a public health crisis, equitable access to education is essential. We believe in education! That is why we want all students to return to the university, with strict protection measures against infection COVID-2. COVID-19 is a contagious disease and no activity in the community is risk-free. The purpose of this information is to provide clear instructions, which must be implemented and respected, in order to operate safely in the context of prevention, early detection and control COVID-19.
Special attention will be paid to avoid situations of stigmatization of students and staff who have been exposed to the virus. Implementing the recommended measures does not eliminate the risks of virus transmission COVID-2, but only contributes to their reduction. Mandatory wearing of a mask for students as well as for the entire staff of the university unit both during class hours and during breaks, rigorous hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfection in the halls, separation and limitation of contact between students, non-participation of students in classes showing fever or symptoms characteristic of infection with COVID-2 are essential preventive measures.
The beginning of the academic year it requires a broad commitment in society in the context of the importance of fair access to education and, at the same time, there is a need for accountability of all the people involved and compliance with all the rules provided at the university level, the aim being to reduce the risk of infection.
Contact phone: +40 755 240 212
No. crt. | Faculty | responsive | Email |
1 | Faculty of Music and Theater | Lect. Univ. Dr. Ardeleanu Roxana Sorana |
2 | Faculty of Physics | Phys. Dr. Adrian Gruia |
3 | Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Geography | Veresan Marinela |
4 | Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences | Lect. Univ. Dr. Ioan Bus | |
5 | Faculty of Arts and Design | Alex Michael |
6 | Faculty of Sociology and Psychology | ||
7 | Faculty of Economics and Business Administration | Madalin Dogaru |
8 | Faculty of Physical Education and Sport | Sever Georgevici |
9 | Faculty of Law | Calin Milutin | |
10 | University of mathematics and Informatics | Ciprian Baciu |
11 | Faculty of Letters, History and Theology | Lect. Univ. Dr. Gabriel Bardasan |
- DSPJ Timis measures for the control and prevention of infection with the new Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Advice on the use of masks in the community, during home care and in hospitals in the context of the current situation of circulation of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
- Additional measures to limit and prevent possible illness with the Coronavirus
- Ministry of Health - Useful tips
- ORDER no. 5.650/1.670/2020 regarding the modification of the Order of the Minister of Education and Research and the Minister of Health no. 5.487/1.494/2020 for the approval of the measures to organize the activity within educational units/institutions in epidemiologically safe conditions for the prevention of illnesses with the SARS-CoV-2 virus
- ORDER no. 5487/1494/2020. MEASURES of August 31, 2020 for the approval of the measures to organize the activity within educational units/institutions under epidemiological safety conditions for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 virus diseases.
- LAW no. 55/2020 regarding some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- LAW no. 203/2020 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 55/2020 regarding some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- DECISION no. 668 of August 14, 2020 regarding the extension of the state of alert on the territory of Romania starting from August 16, 2020, as well as the establishment of the measures that are applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- DECISION no. 782/2020 regarding the extension of the state of alert on the territory of Romania starting from September 15, 2020, as well as establishing the measures that are applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- DECISION no. 25/2020, of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, regarding the proposal of measures to be applied during the state of alert to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- ORDER no. 3577/831/2020 regarding the measures to prevent contamination with the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and to ensure the performance of the activity at the workplace in conditions of safety and health at work, during the state of alert.
- ORDER no. 4266/840/2020 for the implementation of the measures regarding the education system in the context of the establishment of the state of alert on the territory of Romania.
- ORDER no. 4267/841/2020 for the establishment of measures to prevent and combat SARS-CoV-2 diseases in educational units/institutions, public institutions and all structures under the subordination or coordination of the Ministry of Education and Research.
- LAW no. 319/2006, of safety and health at work, with subsequent amendments and additions.
- EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 141 of August 19, 2020 regarding the establishment of measures for the proper functioning of the education system and for the amendment and completion of the National Education Law no. 1 of 2011.
Other documents, including internal regulations
- The plan of measures and norms for the organization of the activity within the Western University of Timișoara in epidemiological safety conditions for the prevention of illness with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
- The procedure regarding the manner of carrying out teaching activities and implementing the plan of measures regarding the organization of activities within the Western University of Timișoara in epidemiologically safe conditions for the prevention of illness with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
- Internal Order Regulation of UVT.
- UVT charter
The didactic activities will be carried out within the UVT in accordance with the Methodology regarding the organization of the educational process in hybrid mode or exclusively online at the West University of Timișoara in the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021.
The abbreviation SARS-CoV-2 translates as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, while COVID-19 is the disease caused by this virus. According to experts, the new coronavirus can cause mild, flu-like symptoms, but also severe illnesses, such as pneumonia. People with existing chronic conditions appear to be more vulnerable to complications. Pre-existing conditions reported to date include high blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, liver disease and other respiratory diseases.Pathogens entering the body:
- through the respiratory tract;
- by digestive tract;
- through the conjunctival mucosa.
Mode of transmission:
a. by air:
- inhalation of particles from coughs, sneezes, saliva, rhinorrhea (nasal secretions);
- breathing through the mouth and not through the nose;
- unventilated spaces;
- approaching people at a distance of less than 1,5 m;
b. through direct contact with contaminated objects.
- contact with infected persons;
- touching infected objects; frequenting crowded areas;
- visiting areas with outbreaks of infection;
- touching eyes, mouth or nose with hands without prior disinfection;
- improper hand hygiene.
Diseases that pose an increased risk to/through infection with the coronavirus:
- diabetes;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- hypertension;
- respiratory diseases.
Categories of people vulnerable to infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus:
- pregnant women;
- the elderly;
- patients with immunosuppressive treatment;
- people with comorbidities (associated diseases).
The symptoms that infected people show:
- Mild symptoms (sore throat, dry cough, fever over 37,3°C, altered general condition, muscle pain, chills, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, malaise, nausea, vomiting, dysphonia/hoarseness, fatigue, sneezing,
- Severe symptoms (pneumonia, acute respiratory failure, temporary loss of smell and taste)
- No symptoms (asymptomatic)
Essential prevention measures:
- mandatory wearing of a protective mask;
- rigorous hand hygiene/respiratory hygiene;
- limiting contact with other people to a maximum of 15 minutes and at a distance of at least 1,5m;
- cleaning the accommodation and education spaces;
- non-participation in teaching activities of persons presenting with fever or characteristic symptoms.
Correct use of masks:
- Wash/sanitize your hands before touching the mask;
- Check the mask for tears or holes;
- Identify the top part, which must have the metal strip or hard edge;
- Make sure that the colored part of the mask is facing outwards;
- Place the metal strip or hard edge over the nose;
- Cover your nose, mouth and chin;
- Fit the mask on the face without leaving free spaces on the sides;
- Avoid touching the mask;
- Remove the mask by grasping the bar;
- Keep the mask away from you and surfaces while removing it;
- After use, immediately throw the mask in the trash can with lid and pedal, provided with a bag inside, signaled by panels and arrows;
- Wash/disinfect your hands after disposing of the mask;
- Do not use a torn or wet mask;
- Don't just wear the mask over your mouth or under your chin;
- Do not wear a mask that is too wide;
- Do not touch the front of the mask;
- Do not remove the mask to talk to someone or do anything else that requires touching the mask again;
- Do not leave your mask within the reach of other people;
- Do not reuse the mask;
- Do not exchange the mask with another person's mask.
Hand washing technique:
Hand washing will be done with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after any contact with a potentially contaminated surface, as follows:- wet your hands;
- put soap;
- rub your hands;
- wash between the fingers;
- clean your nails;
- wash the outside of the palm as well;
- rinse thoroughly;
- delete yourself;
- turn off the water;
- throw the paper towel in the trash.
Hand washing is done:
- after using the toilet;
- before eating;
- at the end of the work;
- during the coffee break
Respiratory hygiene:
Respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette is a combination of measures designed to minimize the transmission of respiratory pathogens via droplets or other airways. Germs can travel up to 1 meter with just one sneeze. Respiratory hygiene involves the following: when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue that will be thrown away immediately, then wash your hands with soap and water; by doing so, you prevent the spread of germs and viruses. If you put your hand to your mouth when you cough, you can later contaminate the objects and surfaces you touch.Physical distance:
- avoid close contact with others: avoid handshakes, hugs and kisses;
- avoid crowding, especially in poorly ventilated spaces;
- physical distance must be kept at least 1 meter indoors, with the obligation to wear a mask, and at least 1,5 meters outdoors when not wearing a mask. By keeping your distance from other people, the spread of the virus is minimized. Since potentially infectious particles are spread by the mere act of talking, mask wearing and physical distancing keep these particles from reaching other people;
- use the card for payments instead of cash;
- for short distances, use the alternative means of travel (bicycle, electric scooter or walking).
Cleaning and disinfection of accommodation and education spaces:
In educational spaces, these are carried out according to the cleaning and disinfection plan. In the accommodation spaces, it is done according to the protocol for dormitories.Recognizing the symptoms of COVID-19:
The incubation period – the interval between the moment of infection and the appearance of symptoms – is up to 14 days. The average duration of symptoms is 5 days.- The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough and fatigue.
- Other symptoms that are less common and may occur in some people are: pain, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, headache, sore throat, diarrhoea, loss of taste and smell, rashes and redness of the fingers and toes ( they appear as if frosted). These symptoms are usually mild and come on gradually.
- Most affected people recover without needing hospital treatment.
- About 1 in 5 people affected by COVID-19 have a severe form, with respiratory problems.
- Elderly people and those with other health problems (high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer) are at risk of complications.
- Regardless of age, people who have fever and/or cough associated with breathing problems (dyspnea), chest pain or pressure, and impaired movement and speech should seek professional medical help.
The teaching staff who, before the start of the work program, present specific symptoms of a potentially infectious disease (fever, cough, headache, sore throat, breathing difficulties, diarrhea, vomiting) isolate themselves at home, contact the family doctor and immediately notify the person in charge designated by the management of the higher education institution, by completing an electronic form specially created for this purpose. During the transport from home to the institution of higher education and return, the general measures of conduct stipulated by the approved rules for public transport shall be observed:- it is mandatory to wear a protective mask when boarding public transport and throughout the journey, so that the mouth and nose are covered;
- when boarding/disembarking, a minimum safety distance from other people will be observed;
- access to the means of transport is carried out through the front door, and disembarkation is carried out through the other door(s), if it/they exist;
- transportation in minibuses is allowed only on seats;
- hands are frequently disinfected, upon boarding and during transport, with the disinfectant solutions from the dispensers located in the means of transport;
- in the case of transport by taxi, alternative transport and transport with a driver for hire, the transport is carried out only on the back seats, it being mandatory to wear a protective mask when boarding the means of transport and for the entire duration of the journey;
- avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth;
- mainly payments will be used
- put on your protective mask;
- respect the physical distancing markings;
- disinfect your shoe soles with chlorine-based solution;
- submit to the epidemiological triage that will be carried out by the person designated for this purpose;
- temperature measurement by non-contact thermometer (the recorded temperature must not exceed 37,3°C), to which the margin of error provided in the device leaflet can be added;
- observing respiratory signs and symptoms (such as: frequent coughing, frequent sneezing, altered general condition);
- if the recorded temperature exceeds 37,3°C, it is recommended to repeat the temperature measurement after a period of 2-5 minutes of rest;
- hand disinfection;
- moving inside the educational institution will be done respecting the physical distance, on the routes predetermined by appropriate markings;
- the use of the elevators will only be done if strictly necessary and only by two people at the most at a time, who must wear protective masks at all times when using the elevator;
- the teaching staff will wear a protective mask both during activities and during breaks, as well as during the entire period when they are inside the UVT buildings;
- mandatory hand disinfection will be carried out upon entering the office of the department/deanship/rectorate secretariat, as well as when retrieving documents or other materials used in common;
- the consumption of food products will be done with caution, in compliance with hygiene rules;
- the physical distance of at least 1 meter will be kept between people inside the UVT;
- the teaching staff will ensure that the students/students respect the rules regarding the placement and circulation in the room; they will also ensure compliance with hygiene and physical distancing rules during sports activities/specialist practices;
- at the end of each didactic activity, the teacher has the task of opening the windows for ventilation, they being closed only at the start of the next didactic activity. At the end of the day, the space intended for the didactic activity will be ventilated;
- the teaching staff appointed at the level of each faculty will inform and train students regarding the measures to prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2. The training for compliance with the measures of protection and prevention of infection with SARS-CoV-2 will be carried out on the first day of the academic year and at least once a week;
- the entire academic community must collaborate in observing students/trainees, in order to reduce the risks of infection;
- teaching staff are obliged to notify the person in charge designated by the UVT Management if students/students present during class hours respiratory symptoms (for example cough, fever, respiratory problems) or other symptoms of an infectious disease (vomiting, myalgia, altered general state), accompanied or not by temperature increases, in order to apply the isolation protocol;
- teaching staff will perform daily observational triage of students/trainees during the entire period of teaching activity;
- if, following the observational triage, cases of people suspected of being infected with COVID-19 have been found, the student/trainee isolation protocol is applied;
- in case of the necessity of isolation at home, the employee will go on medical leave, based on the certificate issued by the family doctor after the period of isolation at home;
- in the case of institutionalized quarantine, the return to work will be done with the certificate for medical leave, issued on the basis of the epidemiological opinion issued by DJSP Timiș at the end of the quarantine period;
- comply with all the instructions provided in the prevention and protection plan and the own occupational health and safety instructions drawn up by the employer to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus;
- disinfect the workspace and the objects necessary for your activity;
- wash and disinfect your hands frequently;
- identify and use the traffic lanes provided in the educational and accommodation spaces;
- avoid standing in common spaces;
- respect the offset of the breaks, so that the number of people present in the sanitary groups and in the common spaces is limited, with the aim of respecting the physical distance;
- in order to manage the flow of people using the toilets, the instructions of the posters posted at the entrance to these spaces regarding the maximum number of people who can have simultaneous access will be respected;
respect the posted hygiene rules;
- in the case of home work or telework, employees will carry out their activity under the coordination of the employer and in accordance with their training and training, as well as with the instructions received from the employer, so as not to expose them to the risk of occupational injury or illness or epidemiological contamination with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, neither himself nor other persons who may be affected by his actions or omissions during the work process;
- avoid, as much as possible, communication through printed documents, both inside and outside the unit/institution, to limit direct contact between people; the circulation of documents should be done mainly electronically;
- staff at risk of illness (for example the elderly, people with diabetes or other chronic diseases, people with deficient immunity) will return to the higher education institution with the opinion of the occupational medicine doctor;
- avoid contact with people who have recently returned to the country;
- avoid contact with people suffering from respiratory infections;
- avoid hospitals if you are not infected with the coronavirus or have serious conditions;
- do not come into contact with people in self-isolation at home, regardless of whether or not they have symptoms specific to the coronavirus;
- avoid contact with other people through gestures such as: shaking hands, hugging, kissing cheeks or hands;
- avoid using air conditioning;
- protect your loved ones, don't expose them;
- elderly people are vulnerable to the new coronavirus, in many cases the infection being fatal. It is the reason why they must be protected as a priority, by avoiding direct contact (e.g. hugging) and by maintaining physical distance.
III. Isolation protocol for teaching staff
It applies in the event that UVT teaching staff present, during teaching activities (for the performance of which their physical presence is required in UVT buildings, including dormitories), fever and/or respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, breathing difficulties) or other symptoms of an infectious disease (vomiting, diarrhea, myalgia, altered general condition). The following measures will be taken:- the immediate isolation of the teaching staff in the spaces specifically intended for this aspect at the level of each UVT building;
- the teacher will wear a mask;
- the teaching staff will be separated from the rest of the colleagues and will be supervised until they are taken over;
- the teaching staff will leave the higher education institution accompanied, being sent to their home or health facilities depending on their condition;
Individual protection measures will be strictly observed. A window will open for ventilation.
The persons with whom the suspect came into prolonged contact (more than 20 minutes, at a distance of less than 1,5 m and without a mask) are informed and they are required to be isolated at home for 14 days, with monitoring by these people of signs and symptoms of respiratory infection.
The teacher will not be transported to the family doctor, pharmacy, emergency service or hospital unless the symptoms/signs are severe, in which case the emergency service 112 will be called.
The person helping the isolated teacher must avoid contact with him, wear a mask and wash his hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
The room is sanitized with a special disinfectant, after the teacher has left, to reduce the risk of transmitting the infection to other people.
If, during the period of isolation, the teaching staff showing symptoms uses the sanitary group, it must be cleaned and disinfected, using approved cleaning products, before it is used by anyone else.
The teaching staff will return to the UVT to carry out the activities that require their physical presence in the institution, respectively in the dormitory, with a medical certificate issued by the attending physician/family physician, specifying the diagnosis (if there is certainty that the symptoms were not generated by COVID-19). The medical certificate will be uploaded in scanned format before the return to the University, and upon the actual return the original certificate will be handed over to the UVT Registry.
If, as a result of the medical investigations, the teaching staff will be confirmed positive in the COVID-19 test, the measures imposed by the legal provisions in the matter will be respected.
In the event of the occurrence of cases of illness with COVID-19 among teaching staff, they have the obligation to notify the management of the higher education institution, which will inform DSP about the event. DSP will carry out the epidemiological investigation and analyze the situation in the higher education institution together with the management of the institution, as follows:
- Scenario 1: In case the teaching staff carried out teaching activities with the physical presence of students/trainees only at a single study formation and did not come into contact with other teaching staff from the institutionsa of higher education, didactic activities will be suspended for the achievement of which the physical presence of students/students in the higher education institution from the respective study formation is required;
- Scenario 2: In the event that the teaching staff carried out teaching activities with the physical presence of students/students only in a single study group and came into contact with other teaching staff from the higher education institution, the teaching activities will be suspended for the achievement of which is required the physical presence of students/trainees in the higher education institution from the respective study group and the teaching staff with whom he came into contact will be isolated at home;
- Scenario 3: If the teaching staff carried out teaching activities with the physical presence of students/students in several study groups and did not come into contact with other teaching staff from the higher education institution or the number of teaching staff was small, they will be suspended the didactic activities for which the physical presence of the students/students in the higher education institution is required at the study formations with which he came into contact and, depending on the case, the teaching staff with whom he came into contact will be isolated at home ;
- Scenario 4: In the event that the teaching staff carried out teaching activities with the physical presence of students/students in several study groups and came into contact with a large number of teaching staff from the higher education institution, the teaching activities will be suspended in order to achieve the physical presence of the students/trainees in the higher education institution of the entire higher education institution is required.
OSH/SU office,
Human Resources Director,
- ORDER no. 5.650/1.670/2020 regarding the amendment of the Order of the Minister of Education and Research and the Minister of Health no. 5.487/1.494/2020 for the approval of the measures to organize the activity within educational units/institutions in epidemiologically safe conditions for the prevention of illnesses with the SARS-CoV-2 virus – access link
- ORDER no. 5487/1494/2020. MEASURES of August 31, 2020 for the approval of the measures to organize the activity within educational units/institutions under epidemiological safety conditions for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 virus diseases.
- LAW no. 55/2020 regarding some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- LAW no. 203/2020 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 55/2020 regarding some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- DECISION no. 668 of August 14, 2020 regarding the extension of the state of alert on the territory of Romania starting from August 16, 2020, as well as the establishment of the measures that are applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- DECISION no. 782/2020 regarding the extension of the state of alert on the territory of Romania starting from September 15, 2020, as well as establishing the measures that are applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- DECISION no. 25/2020, of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, regarding the proposal of measures to be applied during the state of alert to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- ORDER no. 3577/831/2020 regarding the measures to prevent contamination with the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and to ensure the performance of the activity at the workplace in conditions of safety and health at work, during the state of alert.
- ORDER no. 4266/840/2020 for the implementation of the measures regarding the education system in the context of the establishment of the state of alert on the territory of Romania.
- ORDER no. 4267/841/2020 for the establishment of measures to prevent and combat SARS-CoV-2 diseases in educational units/institutions, public institutions and all structures under the subordination or coordination of the Ministry of Education and Research.
- LAW no. 319/2006, of safety and health at work, with subsequent amendments and additions.
- the movement from the entrance to the room where the didactic activity is carried out will be done respecting the physical distance, on the routes predetermined by appropriate markings;
- in front of the classroom, disinfect your hands and consult the poster regarding the distribution of seats in the classroom;
- if the distribution of seats in the hall is not displayed, you will sit on a seat in such a way that the physical distance of at least 1 meter is ensured from the colleague on the left and on the right; it is forbidden to sit face to face with another colleague;
- inside the hall, the movement will be made on the pre-established routes by means of appropriate markings;
- the composition of the formations will be preserved. The student/trainee will be able to change the study formation during the semester only in justified situations. Contact between students/trainees from different study groups will be avoided;EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 141 of August 19, 2020 regarding the establishment of measures for the proper functioning of the education system and for the amendment and completion of the National Education Law no. 1 of 2011.
Other documents, including internal regulations
- The plan of measures and norms for the organization of the activity within the Western University of Timișoara in epidemiological safety conditions for the prevention of illness with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
- The procedure regarding the manner of carrying out teaching activities and implementing the plan of measures regarding the organization of activities within the Western University of Timișoara in epidemiologically safe conditions for the prevention of illness with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
- Internal Order Regulation of UVT.
- UVT charter
The didactic activities will be carried out within the UVT in accordance with the Methodology regarding the organization of the educational process in hybrid mode or exclusively online at the West University of Timișoara in the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021.I. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT SARS-CoV-2 INFECTION
The abbreviation SARS-CoV-2 translates as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, while COVID-19 is the disease caused by this virus. According to experts, the new coronavirus can cause mild, flu-like symptoms, but also severe illnesses, such as pneumonia. People with existing chronic conditions appear to be more vulnerable to complications. Pre-existing conditions reported to date include high blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, liver disease and other respiratory diseases.Pathogens entering the body:
- through the respiratory tract;
- by digestive tract;
- through the conjunctival mucosa.
Mode of transmission:
a. by air:
- inhalation of particles from coughs, sneezes, saliva, rhinorrhea (nasal secretions);
- breathing through the mouth and not through the nose;
- unventilated spaces;
- approaching people at a distance of less than 1,5 m;
b. through direct contact with contaminated objects.
- contact with infected persons;
- touching infected objects; frequenting crowded areas;
- visiting areas with outbreaks of infection;
- touching eyes, mouth or nose with hands without prior disinfection;
- improper hand hygiene.
Diseases that pose an increased risk to/through infection with the coronavirus:
- diabetes;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- hypertension;
- respiratory diseases.
Categories of people vulnerable to infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus:
- pregnant women;
- the elderly;
- patients with immunosuppressive treatment;
- people with comorbidities (associated diseases).
The symptoms that infected people show:
- Mild symptoms (sore throat, dry cough, fever over 37,3°C, altered general condition, muscle pain, chills, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, malaise, nausea, vomiting, dysphonia/hoarseness, fatigue, sneezing,
- Severe symptoms (pneumonia, acute respiratory failure, temporary loss of smell and taste)
- No symptoms (asymptomatic)
Essential prevention measures:
- mandatory wearing of a protective mask;
- rigorous hand hygiene/respiratory hygiene;
- limiting contact with other people to a maximum of 15 minutes and at a distance of at least 1,5m;
- cleaning the accommodation and education spaces;
- non-participation in teaching activities of persons presenting with fever or characteristic symptoms.
Correct use of masks:
- Wash/sanitize your hands before touching the mask;
- Check the mask for tears or holes;
- Identify the top part, which must have the metal strip or hard edge;
- Make sure that the colored part of the mask is facing outwards;
- Place the metal strip or hard edge over the nose;
- Cover your nose, mouth and chin;
- Fit the mask on the face without leaving free spaces on the sides;
- Avoid touching the mask;
- Remove the mask by grasping the bar;
- Keep the mask away from you and surfaces while removing it;
- After use, immediately throw the mask in the trash can with lid and pedal, provided with a bag inside, signaled by panels and arrows;
- Wash/disinfect your hands after disposing of the mask;
- Do not use a torn or wet mask;
- Don't just wear the mask over your mouth or under your chin;
- Do not wear a mask that is too wide;
- Do not touch the front of the mask;
- Do not remove the mask to talk to someone or do anything else that requires touching the mask again;
- Do not leave your mask within the reach of other people;
- Do not reuse the mask;
- Do not exchange the mask with another person's mask.
Hand washing technique:
Hand washing will be done with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after any contact with a potentially contaminated surface, as follows:- wet your hands;
- put soap;
- rub your hands;
- wash between the fingers;
- clean your nails;
- wash the outside of the palm as well;
- rinse thoroughly;
- delete yourself;
- turn off the water;
- throw the paper towel in the trash.
Hand washing is done:
- after using the toilet;
- before eating;
- at the end of the work;
- during the coffee break
Respiratory hygiene:
Respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette is a combination of measures designed to minimize the transmission of respiratory pathogens via droplets or other airways. Germs can travel up to 1 meter with just one sneeze. Respiratory hygiene involves the following: when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue that will be thrown away immediately, then wash your hands with soap and water; by doing so, you prevent the spread of germs and viruses. If you put your hand to your mouth when you cough, you can later contaminate the objects and surfaces you touch.
Physical distance:
- avoid close contact with others: avoid handshakes, hugs and kisses;
- avoid crowding, especially in poorly ventilated spaces;
- physical distance must be kept at least 1 meter indoors, with the obligation to wear a mask, and at least 1,5 meters outdoors when not wearing a mask. By keeping your distance from other people, the spread of the virus is minimized. Since potentially infectious particles are spread by the mere act of talking, mask wearing and physical distancing keep these particles from reaching other people;
- use the card for payments instead of cash;
- for short distances, use the alternative means of travel (bicycle, electric scooter or walking).
Cleaning and disinfection of accommodation and education spaces:
In educational spaces, these are carried out according to the cleaning and disinfection plan. In the accommodation spaces, it is done according to the protocol for dormitories.Recognizing the symptoms of COVID-19:
The incubation period – the interval between the moment of infection and the appearance of symptoms – is up to 14 days. The average duration of symptoms is 5 days.- The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough and fatigue.
- Other symptoms that are less common and may occur in some people are: pain, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, headache, sore throat, diarrhoea, loss of taste and smell, rashes and redness of the fingers and toes ( they appear as if frosted). These symptoms are usually mild and come on gradually.
- Most affected people recover without needing hospital treatment.
- About 1 in 5 people affected by COVID-19 have a severe form, with respiratory problems.
- Elderly people and those with other health problems (high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer) are at risk of complications.
- Regardless of age, people who have fever and/or cough associated with breathing problems (dyspnea), chest pain or pressure, and impaired movement and speech should seek professional medical help.
1. Before attending the teaching activities
Before attending classes, seminars, laboratories, practice, etc., students/students must carry out the daily triage at home, by measuring their body temperature and assessing their own state of health, after which each one decides on their own participation in the didactic activities from that day.
They will not attend the didactic activities on that day:- those with a temperature higher than 37,3°C and/or symptoms specific to infection with SARS-CoV-2 (cough, breathing difficulties: shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting) or other infectious-contagious diseases;
- those confirmed with SARS-CoV-2 infection, in the period of isolation at home;
- those who are declared close contacts with a person infected with SARS-CoV-2, in the period of home quarantine/institutionalized quarantine.
The non-participation in teaching activities of students/students with symptoms is essential to prevent the spread of the virus and the illness of colleagues/teachers with COVID-19.
Students/trainees can attend the didactic activities on that day:- when they are not found in any of the above situations;
- if they have a negative result of the COVID-19 test if one of the family members/close ones shows symptoms of respiratory tract infection;
- those with typical pollen allergy symptoms (known pollen allergies, runny nose with clear nasal discharge, runny/itchy eyes).
Students staying in dormitories, with a temperature higher than 37,3°C and/or symptoms specific to infection with SARS-CoV-2 (cough, breathing difficulties: shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting) or other infectious-contagious diseases, will be apply the isolation protocol in the premises for the temporary isolation of suspicious cases within the UVT. Students/trainees who are not accommodated in dormitories follow the home isolation procedure. In both cases, it is mandatory to notify the coordinator of didactic activities.
In the case of home isolation of students/students unable to stay in the dormitory, it is also mandatory to contact the family doctor, as well as immediately notify the person in charge designated by the management of the higher education institution, by filling in an electronic form specially created for this purpose.
2. During transport from home/accommodation in the dormitory to the place of teaching activity and return
During the transport to and from the higher education institution, students/trainees will respect the general measures of conduct provided by the approved rules for public transport, in particular ensuring the physical distance of at least 1 m, wearing a mask, as follows:- travelers are required to wear a protective mask when boarding the means of transport and throughout the journey, so that the mouth and nose are covered;
- when boarding/disembarking, passengers will respect a minimum safe distance from each other;
- passenger access to the means of transport is carried out through the front door, and disembarking is carried out through the other door(s), if it/they exist;
- the transport of passengers in minibuses is allowed only on seats;
- in the case of transport by taxi, alternative transport and transport with a driver for hire, the transport of passengers is carried out only on the back seats, and passengers are obliged to wear a protective mask when boarding the means of transport and throughout the duration of the journey. - disinfect your hands frequently, on the way up and during transport, with the disinfectant solutions from the dispensers located in the means of transport;
- avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth;
- mainly electronic payments will be used.
3. Upon entering the educational unit:
- Put on your protective mask;
- Respect the physical distance markings applied on the ground;
- Disinfect your shoe soles with chlorine-based solution;
- Submit to the epidemiological triage that will be carried out by the person designated for this purpose;
- Epidemiological triage is mandatory and does not involve the recording of personal data and consists of:
- temperature measurement by non-contact thermometer (the recorded temperature must not exceed 37,3°C), to which the margin of error provided in the device leaflet can be added;
- observing respiratory signs and symptoms (such as: frequent coughing, frequent sneezing, altered general condition).
- if the recorded temperature exceeds 37,3°C, it is recommended to repeat the temperature measurement after a period of 2-5 minutes of rest;
- if it is found that a temperature above 37,3°C is maintained or/and the presence of other respiratory symptoms, the student/trainee in question will not be allowed access to the educational unit and both the didactic activity coordinator and and the person responsible for COVID-19 issues.
If the student/trainee in question is not accommodated in the dormitory, he will isolate himself at home, it being mandatory to contact the family doctor and immediately notify the person in charge designated by the management of the higher education institution by filling in an electronic form, specially created for this purpose.- If you are allowed access, disinfect your hands and go directly to the room where your teaching activities are scheduled.
4. During the teaching activity:
- during teaching activities, as well as during breaks, as well as during the entire period when they are inside the building, wearing a mask by students/students is mandatory.
- the creation of groups of students/trainees from different study groups will be avoided;
- students/trainees will ensure physical distancing throughout the breaks;
- students/trainees will not share food or drinks and will not exchange personal items (phones, tablets, writing instruments);
- the offset of the breaks will be respected, so that the number of people present in the sanitary groups and in the common spaces is limited, with the aim of respecting the physical distance;
- in order to manage the flow of people using the toilets, the instructions of the posters posted at the entrance to these spaces regarding the maximum number of people who can have simultaneous access will be respected;
- the posted hygiene norms will be respected;
- the use of the elevators will only be done if strictly necessary and only by two people at a time, who must wear protective masks at all times when using the elevator.
5. In the case of sports activities:
- no sports equipment will be used to be handled by all students/trainees (or the handling will be performed only by the teaching staff); otherwise, adapted disinfection will be provided regularly;
- throughout the activity in physical education classes, do not touch your face, mouth, eyes, nose with unhygienic hands;
- at the beginning and end of physical education classes, sanitize your hands with an alcohol-based disinfectant.
6. In the case of specialized practice:
- students/trainees will only use previously cleaned and disinfected teaching materials;
- individual activities will be carried out to avoid the exchange of materials;
- the use of didactic materials by several students/trainees will be limited to a minimum.
7. Upon arrival at home/accommodation in the dormitory:
- do not touch anything with your hands;
- take off your shoes;
- undress, place your clothes in the special dirty clothes basket and wash them with chlorine at a temperature of 60°C;
- the backpack/bag, purse and keys will be left at the entrance to the house;
- take a shower or at least wash the areas exposed to contact with the outside;
- wipe your phone and glasses well with alcohol;
- clean all surfaces of objects you brought from outside with chlorine-based products or water and chlorine with a concentration of 2%;
- take off your gloves, throw them away and wash your hands.
8. During the presence of students/trainees in the dormitories:
Description of the entrance – movement – exit circuit in/from the UVT dormitories:
➔ The entrance to the dormitory is through the main door; the entrance is marked with self-adhesive posters and the entrance route to the floors and rooms is marked with green arrows. For students/trainees living on the ground floor, access to the rooms is by going up the main staircase to the 1st floor, through the 1st floor hall and down the secondary staircase to the ground floor.
➔ Access to the rooms of tenants on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors is via the main staircase. On the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors the direction of travel is from the main stairwell to the secondary stairwell, and on the ground floor the direction of travel is from the secondary stairwell to the main staircase.
➔ In the case of movements inside the dormitory (sanitary groups and cooking offices), the direction of walking related to each level is strictly respected. Example: Students/trainees on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors using the restrooms and cooking offices will return to the room using the secondary staircase down to the ground floor, then cross the hall, then go up the main staircase up to the floor where I live.
➔ Students/trainees on the ground floor who use the sanitary groups and cooking offices will return to the room by going through the hall to the main staircase, going up it to the 1st floor, going through the hall in the permitted direction and going down the secondary staircase to the ground floor.
➔ Exiting the dormitory for students/trainees staying on floors 4, 3, 2, 1 will be done directly on the secondary staircase to the exit door of the dormitory. Students/trainees living on the ground floor, to exit the dormitory, will walk the hall in the permitted direction of travel, go up the main staircase to the 1st floor and walk through the hall in the permitted direction of travel, then go down the secondary staircase to the ground floor exit door.
➔ In situations where physical distancing cannot be fully respected for a traffic flow, waiting areas will be marked at the level of each landing so that physical distancing can be ensured.- In order to manage the flow of people using the bathrooms and offices for cooking, the information on the poster posted at the entrance to these spaces regarding the maximum number of people who can be in them at the same time will be respected.
- The cooking offices will be used exclusively for the preparation of food, which will be consumed in one's own room.
- The common study spaces in the dormitories (reading rooms) will not be able to be used during the pandemic.
- Any activity with the participation of more people than the approved number of room occupants is prohibited.
- The access of any foreign person to the dormitories is prohibited.
- In order to limit the spread of the virus, a number of rooms will be made available for the isolation of suspected or confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2.
- In the event of a suspected or confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2, the isolation protocol will be implemented and the DSP will be notified or the emergency service 112 will be called.
- Travel within the hostel will be limited and crowds will be avoided.
- Wearing a mask is mandatory in common areas.
- Students/trainees will respect individual protection measures.
- The use of carpets/carpets will be avoided.
- Students/trainees who are accommodated in the dormitory have the obligation to keep the rooms clean, disinfect and ventilate them regularly.
- Common spaces will be avoided as much as possible, and activities will take place in one's own room.
Rules that must be respected by the tenants of the student dormitories:
- It is mandatory to wear a mask in the common spaces of the dormitories.
- Any visits to the dormitories are prohibited.
- It is forbidden to use the cooking offices for any activity other than food preparation.
- The entrance, waiting, travel and exit circuits of the student dormitories must be observed.
- Students/trainees staying in the dormitory are obliged to keep clean, disinfect and ventilate regularly
- It is recommended that students/trainees avoid common spaces as much as possible and that activities take place in the room
- The use of carpets or rugs in student dormitory rooms will be avoided;
- The tenants have the obligation to notify the dormitory administrator of the absence from the assigned room in the following situations:
- presents specific symptoms;
- was diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2;
- is direct contact of a diagnosed person.
In case of non-compliance with any rule by the tenants of the student dormitories, the sanction will be exclusion from the student dormitory, with the obligation to leave the room within 24 hours.During the serving of the meal in the canteens:
- It is preferable, where possible, that the meal is served as a package, possibly on a pre-order basis.
- The intervals related to tables and access will be respected in order to avoid crowding.
- Compliance with physical distancing measures is applied in any context and in any space, both at the table and for transit intervals, circulation, distribution of food products
- It is recommended to use disposable cutlery.
- Wash your hands and observe the rules of hygiene before and after each meal.
- Remove your mask only when you sit down at the table.
10. Other general instructions:
- Avoid contact with people who have recently returned to the country.
- Avoid contact with people suffering from respiratory infections.
- Avoid hospitals if you are not infected with the coronavirus or have serious medical conditions.
- Do not come into contact with people in self-isolation at home, regardless of whether or not they have specific coronavirus symptoms.
- Avoid contact with other people through gestures such as: shaking hands, hugging, kissing cheeks or hands.
- Avoid using air conditioning; however, if air-conditioned rooms with air recirculation will be used, nebulization will be carried out once a week, preferably at the end of the week, and the installation will be disinfected according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Avoid, as much as possible, communication through printed documents both inside and outside the University, to limit direct contact between people; the circulation of documents should be done mainly electronically.
- Protect your loved ones, don't expose them.
- Interaction with the elderly: the elderly are vulnerable to the new coronavirus, in many cases the infection being fatal. This is why they must be protected as a priority, by avoiding direct contact (e.g. hugs) and by maintaining a physical distance of 1,5 meters. If you are meeting elderly people and cannot keep a safe distance, wearing a mask is recommended.
- Hydration is important in all conditions, regardless of the current epidemiological context.
- The student/trainee has the obligation to notify the higher education institution of his/her absence in the following situations:
- presents symptoms specific to SARS-CoV-2 infection;
- was diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2;
- is direct contact of a person diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 and is in quarantine.
Non-compliance with any rule by students/trainees will attract their criminal liability, according to the legal rules in force.
Risk groups- Students/trainees who are part of a risk group (for example with severe chronic respiratory diseases, severe obesity, type I diabetes, inflammatory, immune/autoimmune diseases, rare diseases, hereditary metabolic diseases, disabilities, immunosuppressive treatment) will return to teaching activities that require their physical presence with the approval and specific recommendations of the attending physician. For them, the representatives of the higher education institutions will identify, as appropriate, solutions for ensuring the educational process online/through technology and the Internet or under increased safety conditions.
- Compliance with protective and hygiene measures is monitored more carefully in the case of students/students with chronic diseases.
- Students/students with chronic diseases who have reservations about resuming teaching activities that require their physical presence will be able to be advised by the specialist doctors and psychologists who care for them about the additional measures needed to feel safe.
- Students/trainees who live at the same residence as a person belonging to a risk group can normally return to the educational institution. There may be certain cases in which, after a concrete and individual evaluation of the degree of illness of the respective person and the risk of contamination with SARS-CoV-2 that the student/trainee may transmit to those at home, it may be recommended by the doctor order that that student/trainee, for a determined period, not physically attend the didactic activities for the realization of which the physical presence of students/trainees in higher education institutions is required. For those who cannot return to teaching activities, representatives of higher education institutions will seek to identify solutions to ensure the online educational process;
- Students/students with disabilities, taking into account the specifics of the condition, will benefit from adapting the information and learning the rules of prevention in an appropriate way for the specific disability.
III. Isolation protocol for sick students/students
If during the teaching activities, as well as during their presence in the dormitories, the students/trainees show fever and/or respiratory symptoms (for example cough, breathing difficulties) or other symptoms of an infectious disease (vomiting, diarrhea, myalgia, modified general condition), the isolation protocol for sick students/students is applied.
1. If the symptoms appear during teaching activities, the following measures will be taken:
- The immediate isolation of the student/trainee in the spaces specifically intended for this aspect at the level of each building of
- The student/trainee will wear a mask.
- The student/trainee will be separated from the rest of the study group/colleagues and will be supervised until he/she is
- The student/trainee will leave the higher education institution accompanied.
- Individual protection measures will be strictly observed. A window will open for ventilation.
- The student/trainee will not be transported to the family doctor, pharmacy, emergency service or hospital unless the symptoms/signs are severe, in which case the emergency service 112 will be called.
- The person helping the isolated student/learner must avoid contact with him/her, wear a mask and wash his/her hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
- The room is sanitized with a special disinfectant, after the student/trainee has left, to reduce the risk of transmitting the infection to other people.
- If, during the period of isolation, the student/trainee showing symptoms uses the sanitary group, it must be cleaned and disinfected, using approved cleaning products, before it is used by anyone else.
- The student/trainee will return to the UVT to carry out the activities that require his/her physical presence in the institution, respectively in the dormitory, with a medical certificate issued by the attending physician/family physician, specifying the diagnosis (if there is certainty that the symptoms were not generated of COVID-19). The medical certificate will be uploaded in scanned format before the return to the University, and upon the actual return the original certificate will be handed over to the UVT Registry.
- If, as a result of the medical investigations, the student/trainee will be confirmed positive in the COVID-19 test, the measures imposed by the legal provisions in the matter will be respected.
2. If the symptoms appear during the presence of the student/learner in the dormitory, proceed as follows:
- The student/trainee together with roommates (where applicable) will be transferred to the dormitory intended for suspected/sick cases of COVID.
- Throughout the transfer operation, students/trainees will wear a mask.
- The room windows will be opened for ventilation.
- The room will be sanitized and disinfected, using approved products, after the student/trainee leaves and before reusing the room.
- Individual protection measures will be strictly observed.
- The person helping the isolated student/learner must avoid contact with him/her, wear a mask and wash his/her hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
Scenario with a confirmed case
In the event of a confirmed case of illness with COVID-19 in a UVT dormitory, the confirmed student/trainee together with roommates (where applicable) will be isolated in the dormitory intended for isolation.
Scenario with three confirmed cases on the same level
In the event of three confirmed cases of illness with COVID-19 on the same landing from different rooms in a UVT dormitory, the entire landing will be isolated in the dormitory intended for isolation.
Scenario with three confirmed cases in the same home
Upon the appearance of three confirmed cases of illness with COVID-19 in a UVT home on separate levels, the home will be isolated for 14 days from the date of onset of the last case. In all 3 scenarios, the representatives appointed by the representative organization at university level, with the logistical support of UVT, will ensure the distribution of basic products necessary for daily living to all those isolated. In either scenario, the person in charge who coordinates the activities to prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2 at the level of the institution will be announced.- If during the period of isolation the student/trainee showing symptoms uses the sanitary group, it must be cleaned and disinfected, using approved cleaning products, before it is used by anyone else.
- The student/trainee will not be transported to the family doctor, pharmacy, emergency service or hospital unless the symptoms/signs are severe, in which case the emergency service 112 will be called.
- The person helping the isolated student/learner must avoid contact with him/her, wear a mask and wash his/her hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
- The room is sanitized with a special disinfectant, after the student/trainee has left, to reduce the risk of transmitting the infection to other people.
The return of students to the community:
The return to the collective of students/trainees who had health problems and were absent from the didactic activities for the achievement of which the physical presence of the students in the UVT is required will be made mandatory on the basis of a medical certificate specifying the diagnosis and on which the student/trainee will hand it over to the UVT prior to the physical return to the university, in order to resume the teaching activity. The certificates will be centralized electronically, and the assumption of their conformity with the original falls on the student, who assumes the document by uploading the document through the institutional e-mail account.
OSH/SU office,
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