Francophonie UVT

L'Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara a une ancienne composante interculturalelle, correspondent à la multiculturalité de sa region, the Banat, et une forte ouverture à l'international, là où le français jue toujours un rôle majeur. C'est pourquoi, dans notre université compréhensive, la francophonie is present since its creation, in 1962, and benefits today from severale structures de soutien et de formation, qui sont en lien avec le milieu régional foisonnant et les instances nationales et internationales from the Francophonie.

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The Université de l'Ouest de Timișoara (abbreviated as UVT/UOT/WUT) is the main institution of higher education and research in Romania. Classified by the Ministère de l'Éducation as a university of education and scientific research, the UVT is one of the nine members of the "Universitaria" consortium (groupe d'universités roumaines d'élite).

L'Université de l'Ouest de Timișoara est, avec cinq autres universités de pays de l'EU (d'Italie, de France, d'Espagne et du Portugal), membre du réseau des universités européennes UNITA, one of 41 academic alliances that make up les universités européennes d'aujourd'hui, a format for education and research development promoted by the European Commission. Together, the six universities that make up the EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY network of UNITA bring together more than 160 students and 000 teachers. From west to east, UNITA is composed of: Universidade de Beira Interior, Universidad de Zaragoza, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Università di Torino and Università de West din Timișoara.

L'origine de l'UVT est liée au décret loi no. 660/30 December 1944, which stipulated that a university should be created in the western part of the country. Ses premières facultés ont été ensuite suppressiones ou sont devenues des institutions indépendantes. The transformation of this higher education institution into a university took place at the end of September 1962. In 1968, the institution became an independent university.

S'ensuit une période difficile, notably pour les sciences humaines et exactes. Domains such as music, the plastic arts, history, geography, natural sciences or chemistry all disappeared in the 80s, while philology greatly reduced its activity. As a result, the university's faculties have been transferred to other institutions.

The year 1989, the year of the Romanian revolution, was a turning point in the development of the university. That led to today's conditions. Une vaste réforme institutionalle a eu lieu, commencing par la redefinición de la mission de l'université, en établissant les objectives à suivre pour attenirer la mission.

Unité polyvalente d'enseignement supérieur, l'UVT comprend aujourd'hui 11 faculties, structured in départements, regrouping around 15 students and more than 000 teachers, who support 700 programs de formation en Licence, 65 programs de Master et 84 écoles doctorales, in the following domains: Arts and Design; Chemistry, Biology, Geography; Droit; Economy and Administration of Affairs; Physical and sports education; Physique; Lettres, Histoire et Theologie; Mathematics and Informatics; Music and Theatre; Sociology and Psychology; Sciences politiques, Philosophie et Sciences de la Communication.

Chair Senghor

Logo Chaire Senghor De L Universite De L Ouest De Timisoara FINAL 06

At the Senghor Chair of the Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara a été relancée en 2018, lors de l'Assemblée générale du RICSF de Marrakech

Assemblée Générale du RICSF (October 11-13, 2023) 
(click here for more information)

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General context

The Senghor Chair based at the Université de l'Ouest Timisoara (UOT) was relaunched in 2019, following the annual meeting of November 2018, in Marrakech, where its candidature was validated by the general assembly of the RICSF. L'UOT avait eu une chaire membre aupuravan mais, peu active pendant quelques années, elle a été dissoute. In 2018, the management of the UOT expressed its desire to consolidate its francophone dimension and to revive Chaire Senghor.


It is located in the western region of Romania, in the town of Timisoara, the historical capital of the province of Banat, and in the neighboring countries of Serbia and Hungary. L'intérêt de reinforcer sa francophonie est lié aussi à ce contexte, de même qu'à la diversité régionale de la Roumanie et à ses fortes francophone traditions.


Timisoara is a city of 300 thousand inhabitants (400 thousand in the agglomeration), forte of its passé multicultural and of its interculturality still well preserved. Possessing a rich architectural heritage, it has an expression culturelle en pleine affirmation (désignée Capitale européenne de la culture pour 2021, reportée par la Commission européenne en 2023, following the Covid 19 pandemic).


The socio-economic dynamics of the city is driven by its 4 public universities, which enroll 42 thousand students, plus 2 thousand in the 2 private universities (in 2021/2022). Among the six universities of Timisoara, the UOT is the largest (16 thousand students) and the best in the international rankings.




The francophone dimension is well present in Timisoara, as much as the francophones and francophiles of the region, as well as the community of français entrepreneurs or the students of francophone countries who learn in the local universities. C'est pourquoi à Timisoara il ya un Institut français très actif, une antenne de la CCIFER, de même qu'une association des entrepreneurs francophones (Business App). A l'UOT fonctionnent un Lectorat français et un Center de réussite universitaire (CRU). Toutes ces structures constitute a fertile environment, voué à nourrir d'activités diverses à la Chaire Senghor de l'UOT.



But et objectives

At Chaire Senghor de l'Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara, member of the Réseau International des Chaires Senghor de la Francophonie (RICSF), a comme but l'étude des rapports entre le monde francophone, la francophonie et les processes de mondialisation. It is a component of the francophone dimension of teaching and research at the UOT and participates – through annual meetings, colloquiums and the dissemination of publications – in dialogue and exchanges with the other Senghor chairs spread across the world


The Chaire Senghor in Timisoara is defined as an espace de réflexion universitaire sur la Francophonie dans sa international dimension. Our Senghor Chair likes to present itself as a space for debate, a training place on the different aspects of the Francophonie and a welcome environment for students, teachers, researchers and actors politically engaged in the development of the Francophonie.


Our objectives, which coincide with those of the RICSF in its ensemble, are:

  • Diffuser un enseignement de base sur l'histoire, la geopolitique, les institutions et les cooperations de la Francophonie;
  • Production de la recherche sur l'objet « francophonie »;
  • Animate a debate of ideas on the francophone world and its evolution;
  • Favoriser la cooperation entre partenaires francophones.

In this context, we encourage cooperation with the other Senghor chairs from Romania and neighboring countries, as well as the extension of the network in the CECO region.


Administrative situation and governance

Despite its operation since 2019, Chaire continues to be in the process of consolidation, because the activities were interrupted in 2020, due to pandemic restrictions. La reprise à été difficile, nombreux restrictions continuing to continue until 2021.


The Chair has an incumbent, Prof. Dr. Nicolae Popa, who brought together a multidisciplinary team (letters, geography, economics, law, sociology, arts, political sciences) and defined common projects, apart from projects and activities specific to each scientific and educational field. The chair is directly supported by the Vice-Recteur charge de la stratégie académique et par la Vice-rectrice des relations internationales.


D'ailleurs, l'Ambassade de France en Roumanie often participates in major francophone or intercultural activities held at OUT, where there are several professors-researchers who have received the Ordre des Palmes Académiques. It is a sign that the French Republic recognizes the merits of the promoters of the Francophonie and appreciates education and research at the highest level in Romania, notably at the University of West Timisoara.


Training activities

La formation en langue française dans l'UOT is ensured by the department of modern languages ​​and literatures, notably by the collectif de langues romanes. Les enseignants de ce collective couvrent autant les programs de license et de master de langue, littérature et civilization français de la Faculté de Lettres, que les groupses d'étudiants des autres facultés de l'UOT, qui étudent le français comme langue étrangère.


The enseignants-rechercheurs adhérents à la Chaire Senghor enseignent au Département de Langues et Littératures modernes et animent les composantes françaises des 2 programs de license (Langues et littératures modernes et Langues modernes appliqués), as well as those of the master’s programs (Etudes romanes – culturels et linguistiques; Théorie et pratique de la traduction).


S'ajoutent l'accord de double diploma en master dans le domaine du développement territorial, avec l'Université d'Angers (animé par le Département de Géographie de l'UOT), de même que les accords avec l'Université de Savoie Mont Blanc et l'Université de Lyon.


Dans l'UOT there is also a French Lecturer, who carries out his activities in a conjoint manner with the Center for University Success of the AUF. It has a well-equipped room, with bibliographic, classic and multimedia resources, which often brings together students and teachers for current activities or events.


L'UOT has, by the way, nombreux accords Erasmus+ aves des universités du monde francophone, qui animent les échanges internationaux.


Research activities

Les activités de recherche revestent multiples forms, notably:

  • framework of theses in language, literature and civilization française by Prof. Dr. Georgiana Badea, Prof. Dr. Vasile Popovici, Mcf. Ramona Malita Tanc and Prof. Dr. Mirela Pop;
  • supervision of theses in cotutelle internationale avec des universités françaises by Prof. Dr. Nicolae Popa, du Département de Géographie: 2 thèses finalisées avec l'Université d'Angers, 1 une thèse in course (Réceptions et usages des patrimoines de la période socialiste à Iași and Timișoara in Romania, by Amandine Dargaud), in co-direction with Prof. Dr. Lydia Coudroy de Lille, from the Université Lyon 2;
  • research projects on a contractual basis, notably the projects concluded with the Agence universitaire de la francophonie pour l'Europe centrale et orientale. Between 2018 and 2022, three scientific projects were launched, including an international project supported by the Jean Monnet Program between 3 and 2018, which dealt with the issues of culture in European capitals in a frontal position (responsible McF Corina Tursie, département de Sciences politiques), an international project that carries on the valorization of heritage by creative industries and the impulse of civic spirit (responsible Prof. Nicolae Popa, Department of Geography), supported jointly by the Romanian State and AUF between March 2022 and December 2019, and a project on health, nutrition and food security (responsible Prof. Nicolae Popa), supported by AUF – ECO between May 2021 and December 2017. Other projects are déroulés par les members from Chaire Senghor: Georgiana Badea, Madalin Bunoiu, Alexandru Dragan, Marius Matichescu, etc. projets linked ou non directement à la Francophonie;
  • cycles of conferences and debates, organized in a systematic manner by the UOT with personalities from the scientific, cultural and political world, often relevant to the francophone world.


Radiation activities

The visibility of the Senghor Chair is built inside the UOT and towards the outside, by the activities organized and by its involvement in the events organized by the Department of Modern Languages ​​of the UOT, by the Lectorat français ou au CRU de l'UOT, dans le éveloppement des relations avec les structures de la Francophonie de la region, comme l'Institut français de Timisoara, l'Association des entrepreneurs français de Timisoara, ou celles du pays, comme AUF - ECO de Bucarest , l'Institut français de Bucarest, le CEREFREA de l'Université de Bucarest etc.


Several international conferences and colloquiums took place last year in our university, with the following representatives present at the Chair:

  • International colloque Communication and culture in European Romania – CICCRE, organized every year at the UOT, rather in June – in person and online after the pandemic. Usually, it is a grand event, unique in its multi- and intercultural dimension, with 100 – 150 teachers and researchers registered in the vast domains of romance and Roman culture (language, literature, translation) , histoire, musique, arts, religion, Roman civilization), venant de nombreuses pays du monde (
  • Colloque international d'études francophones à Timisoara – CIEFT, organized by the UOT Romanian Language Group, which every year for the month of March proposes another theme of interest for teaching researchers, doctoral students and various other specialists : Frontier(s) in 2021 (; Politiquement (in)correct en francophonie en 2022 (; Delit.s en 2023 (
  • Conférence internationale Créativité, Culture, Développement, organized in person and online at UOT, les 11 et 12 novembre 2021, avec plus de 50 participants de plusieurs countries, including France, Spain, Rép. from Moldova, Egypt, Armenia, etc.


During the university year 2022-2023, the holders of Chaire Senghor organized at the UOT a Blended Intensive Program under the theme Industries culturelles créatives et dynamiques urbaines, déroulé online en March-April 2023 et une semaine à Timisoara, en présentiel , les 14-19 May 2023.


The francophone world was also visible, at a high level, in the UOT and in the local and regional media, during the conferences held at the UOT by francophone personalities who received the title of doctor honoris causa from the UOT (Jean Marie Lehn, Gérard Mourou, Antoine Compagnon, Louis Joshua Marinoff, etc.), as well as the participation of Chaire à d'événements animés hors université par representatives of the francophone world.


Les 11-13 octobre 2023, la Chaire Senghor de l'OUT will host the Assemblée Générale du Réseau Internationale des Chaires Senghor de la Francophonie et organize les Journées scientifiques du RICSF, sous le thème Géopolitics de la Francophonie, événements qui benefitent du patronage de the Embassy of France in Romania.


Resources and means

As of 2021, La Chaire benefits from a separate space, an activity room and small meeting rooms, where the office for its owner is also located. L'équipement indispensable est en cours d'acquisition. La Chaire has no personnel at its disposal, les activités étant assurées en bénévolat, par les adhérents à cette structure. In the same way, the Chair has no budgetary line provided for in the budget of the UOT, but during the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 the management of the university ensured the payment of the contribution to the RICSF (1500 euros/year ).


The teachers-researchers who are part of the Senghor Chair in Timisoara are the following:
Holders of the Senghor Chair: Nicolae Popa, professor des universités
Members and collaborators: Catalina Ancuta, Georgiana Badea, Raluca Bercea,
Madalin Bunoiu, Alexandru Dragan, Ileana Eiben, Delia Gligor, Ramona Ivan, Alexandra
Marian-Potra, Marius Matichescu, Simona Petracovschi, Ramona Malita Tanc, Corina Tursie.


External contact and collaboration structures: Institut français de Timisoara, Agence consulaire de France à Timisoara, Association Center d'Affaires Timisoara, Francophone Business Club of Timisoara.

Le Réseau International des Chaires Senghor de la Francophonie (RICSF) a été created in 2002 sous l'impulsion de Michel GUILLOU (†), professor émérite des universités et défenseur de la Francophonie scientifique. What réseau interuniversitaire réunit une communauté d'enseignants-chercheurs de tous horizons ayant en common la langue française et l'étude des francophonies. Ses scientifiques collaborate, cooperate et se concertent pour faire rayonner, dans leurs domaines respectifs, l'enseignement et la recherche en français.

Education and Research

The promotion of the French language in Timişoara and dance in the western region of Romania is a priority for the University of the West of Timişoara, since relations with France and other francophone countries constitute a tradition that begins with the launch de la section de langue française, il ya à peu près 60 ans, et continue en multiplying et diversifiant les activités de formation, jusqu'à nos jours. Several faculties of the UOT have training programs, research projects and francophone activities (details link).

La francophonie à la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara has an intrinsic and constitutive dimension, because le droit roumain est traditionally lié au droit et à la culture française. This heritage is privileged and maintained aussi bien by research and training activities, involving the teaching staff, and by didactic and formative actions offered to students.

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Dimensions francophone à la Faculté de Droit from the University of the West of Timisoara

Le droit roumain est traditionally lié au droit et à la culture française. The jurists agree that the institutional legal basis of modern Romania was established by a group of revolutionaries, most of whom were young people with a degree in law in Paris, involved in the events that shook Europe in the 19th century . Alors que le cadre national constitutionnel n`etait pas prêt à l'époque pour une republicaine construction, si bien que les jeunes juristes ont dû turner vers le modèle de Constitution belge, ils ont nevertheless réussi à impose, en droit privé, un système législatif fondé sur les codes napoléoniens. By the way, the Romanian civil code of 1864, a faithful translation of the Napoléon code of 1804, remained in force during the dark years of communism, contributing decisively to safeguarding the imprint of the Romanian legal system and confirming Carbonnier's proposals , selon qui la real constitution d'un pays est son Code civil.

La francophonie à la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara has, therefore, an intrinsic and constitutive dimension. This heritage is privileged and maintained aussi bien by research and training activities, involving the teaching staff, and by didactic and formative actions offered to students.

Des liens forts de cooperation ont été établiss, au fil du temps, avec des universités françaises prestigiouses, les professeurs de la Faculté de Droit de Timisoara étant invités à enseigneur ou à actir comme membres des juries de thèses doctorales à la Faculté de Droit de l 'Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université de Montpellier or Université de Lyon III. In exchange, the Faculty of Law of the Université de l'Ouest hosted lectures and courses by well-known French specialists in the French academic milieu, such as professors Frédéric Sudre (the founder of the Institut de Droit Européen des Droits de l 'Homme de Montpellier) or Pierre Legrand (at the time the director of the Master II Globalization and legal pluralism at the University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne).

Also, common conferences and collective collections were organized and respectively published, in France as well as in Romania, maintaining the circulation of ideas and academic debates.

In addition, dans leur qualité de membres de l'Association Captain Henry des amis de la culture juridique française, des professeurs de la Faculté Droit de Timisoara participate constantly as tant que rapporteurs nationaux aux congrès organized par l'association, qui rassemblent des juristes francophones de tout le monde.

Les activités formatives qui implictent les étudiants de la faculté consistant non seulement dans l’apprentissage du français juridique pending 3 ans lors du cycle de license, mais aussi dans l’activité des cercles droit français ou européen organized pour les étudiants, ou dans la possibilité qu'ils accèdent à des stages mobilité et qu'ils soient accueilis dans les facultés françaises partenaires.


The recent affiliation of the Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara to the Alliance universitaire européenne UNITA, whose pillars are common linguistic heritage, has allowed teachers from the Faculty of Law of Timisoara to develop new links with the colleagues from the University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour and the University of Savoie Mont Blanc. The doctorate theses already directed in co-supervision and the joint responses to calls for international research projects are currently signs of a very promising cooperation in the future.

Within the Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Geography of the UOT, especially the Department of Geography developed a rich francophone activity from 1992, initially following the mobility of students and teachers facilitated by the European programs TEMPUS and ERASMUS. Then, the common contacts, projects and activities are diversified, concerning so much for student training, as much as for research and scientific radiation.

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Dimensions francophones at the Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Geography of the University of the West of Timisoara

Within the Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Geography of the UOT, especially the Department of Geography developed a rich francophone activity from 1992, initially following the mobility of students and teachers facilitated by the European programs TEMPUS and ERASMUS. Then, the common contacts, projects and activities are diversified, concerning as much to student formation as above all to research and scientific radiation.

Les premiers échanges dans l`espace francophone ont été stimulés par la double ouverture propre aux années 90. On the one hand, the Department of Geography, retabli en 1990, employa de jeunes enseignants, qui avaient terminé leurs études dans les années 80 aux universités from Bucarest and from Cluj-Napoca, to double specialization (Géographie – langue étrangère), la plupart ayant le français comme secondary specialization, ce qui facilitait la communication et l'overture vers la francophonie. On the other hand, the French university milieu was sensitized by the anti-communist revolution in Romania and was desirous of redécouvrir ce pays Latin d'Europe de l'Est.

They followed years of intense mutual visits, research and teaching internships, facilitated by the Tempus European Program, which contributed to the renewal of Romanian university education, including geography, based on western models, notably French , British and German. Dans l`espace francophone, les geographes de l'UOT ont trouvé un débouché particulier au Département de géographie de l`Université d`Angers, avec lequel les relations se sont poursuivies sans interruption, de 1992 à nos jours, ainsi qu`à l `Université Sorbonne 4, à Paris.

With Romania's integration into the EU, a new level of collaboration has been reached, financed by the European Socrates program, with its Erasmus component. Fruitful partnerships have also been maintained and developed within the new program, notably with the University of Angers.

His Department of Geography initiated several collaborative projects, among which the most complex and the most meaningful (1999 – 2014) was the 2H2S project, whose head, Prof. Dr. Jean Baptiste Humeau, led an interuniversity consortium of partners , with une large représentation européenne, des universités de France, d`Allemagne, de Grande-Bretagne, d`Espagne ou du Portugal,
aux universités de Roumanie et de Serbia, ou aux universités d`Europe du Nord, au Danemark ou en Suède. The interdisciplinary university consortium Entrepreneurial initiatives and territorial development, comparaisons européennes – 2H2S was a true school of applied research, in close relation with the socio-economic milieu, for numerous geographers from the University of West Timișoara. This close collaboration, also facilitated by the organization of complex activities, colloquies within the 2H2S Consortium, has diversified over time, embracing them
following main types of collaborations:

  • échanges d`étudiants, dans le cadre des programs européens de mobilité Tempus et Socrates/Erasmus;
  • mutual mobilités du personnel enseignant, également facilitées par les programs européens Tempus et Erasmus;
  • internships of invited professor and invited researcher at the University of Angers, which have benefited several teachers from the Department of Geography of the UOT;
  • participations in common research projects;
  • joint organization of numerous international conferences, colloques and round tables, both at UOT and in other European universities;
  • publication of scientific articles in les revues spécialisées des deux universités;
  • publication d'ouvrages spécialisés ou d'articles scientifiques dans des revues internationales;
  • conclusion d'une convention de double diploma, au niveau master, dans le domaine de l'aménagement du territoire;
  • cotutelle de thèses de doctorate, soit pour l'encadrement de doctorants originaires de Roumanie (Cristian Farcașiu, Alexandru Dragan), soit pour de doctorants de France (Emmanuel Bioteau, Samuel Delepine). Le soin de former de jeunes spécialists qui feraient proof d'ouverture et d'intérêt pour la relation romano-française a été l'une des préoccupations les plus beneficiales. Cultivé avec soin, this led to the selection of young people with strong potential, who then were integrated into the professorial corps of the two departments and maintained the collaboration between French and Romanian geographers.

C'est pourquoi, en octobre 2022, a nouvel accord de doctorat en geographie en cotutelle internationale a vu le jour, conclu avec l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, pour la coordination conjointe de la jeune doctorante Amandine Dargaud.


At the same time, the relations of the Department of Geography of the UOT in the francophone area have broadened their horizons, targeting also other universities, such as Lyon 2 and Lyon 3, Grenoble, Montpellier, but also other countries with francophone representation ( Canada, Belgium, Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt).


More recently, collaborations and common projects are developing within two complementary structures of which UOT is a member, namely the Consortium Européen UNITA, which includes the universities of Chambéry and Pau (France), respectively the International Network of Chaires Senghor de la Francophonie – RICSF, which brings together holders and their teams from 24 universities from several regions of the world: Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, North Africa, Central and Eastern Africa, Middle East, America North, Southeast Asia. In October 2023, the general assembly of this network will be organized at the UOT, which will be held by the vice-president of the RICSF.

The collaboration on different research projects is pursued, the most recent ones being those financed or co-financed by the AUF, namely: Valorisation of heritage by creative industries and the impulse of civic spirit (responsible Prof. Nicolae Popa), jointly supported by the Romanian State and AUF between March 2019 and December 2021, and the project on health, nutrition and food security – SAIN (responsible Prof. Nicolae Popa), supported by AUF – ECO between May 2017 and December 2019.

Finally, an intensive mixed program, supported by the European Erasmus+ program, is currently underway, with the theme of "Creative cultural industries and dynamic urban dynamics", which will bring together at the UOT XNUMX doctoral students, master's students and university professors d'Angers, Bamberg, Louvain-Mons and Valence.

En ce qui concerne les développements futures, les efforts seront orientés vers l'augmentation du degree d'internationalisation, notably en consolidant les projets et les collaborations avec des universités de différences pays de l'espace francophone, pour le développement desquels l'activité en consortium is particularly beneficial.

(Synthèse elaborated by Prof. Dr. Nicolae POPA)

An important part of the francophone activities at the Université de l'Ouest de Timișoara is carried out by the Collectif de Langue et littérature françaises, au sein du Department de langues et littératures modernes de la Faculté des lettres, d'histoire et de theologie. The collective encourages à la fois the first cycle specializations in which French language and literature are taught, as well as master’s programs of various types (translation studies, roman studies, multicultural studies…), as well as research activities, international scientific events, extracurricular training events, etc. 

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La francophonie

à la Chaire de Français de la Faculté des Lettres

from the Université de l'Ouest de Timișoara


Titulaires de la Chaire de Français LIT –UOT

Georgiana I. BADEA, Professor of HDR Universities

Ramona MALITA, Maître de Conférences HDR

Eugenia TĂNASE, Maître-Assistant

Ileana EIBEN, Maître-Assistante

Ioana MARCU, Maître-Assistante

Cristina TĂNASE, Assistant


French teacher

Laëtitia REY


Stagiaire en FLE au Lectorat français

Estelle PIDOUX


  1. Research
  2. Research centersaffiliés à la Faculté des Lettres de l'UOT :
  3. Center d'Études Francophones CEF (founded in 1994): director Georgiana Badea.
  4. Center d'Études en traductologie Isttrarom-Translationes (founded in 2007): director Georgiana Badea.
  5. Center d'Études Romanes de Timișoara CSRT (founded in 2012): director Ramona Malita.


  1. Colloques internationales
  2. Colloque CIEFT – Colloque International d'Études Francophones (préparatifs pour la XVIIIe edition) (organizers: Ramona Malita, Ioana Marcu, Ileana Eiben, Cristina Tănase, Eugenia Tănase, Georgiana Badea)
  3. Sections de langue et de littératures française et francophones dans le colloque d'études romanes CICCRE (Colloque International Culture et Communication dans la Romania européenne, préparatifs pour la XIe edition) (section coordinator: Ramona Malita).


  1. journalset volumes
  2. Agapes francophones – volumes reuniting les actes du colloque CIEFT (thirteen volumes, annual publications) (editors: Ramona Malita, Ioana Marcu, Cristina Tănase, Eugenia Tănase, Georgiana Badea)
  3. "Dialogues francophones" (editors: Ioana Marcu, Ileana Eiben, Georgiana Badea)
  4. "Translations" (Editors: Ileana Eiben, Georgiana Badea)
  5. "Quaestiones Romanicae" (ERIH+ database): Sections of language and literatures française and francophones (coordinator of the section Ramona Malita)


  1. radiance :
  2. Cénacle de littérature française The pleiad (réunions mensuelles ininterrompues depuis 2007, coordinator Ramona Malita).
  3. National student competition Liste Goncourt-choix roumain (2013-2022), initiated and organized by IF Bucarest (coordinator Ramona Malita since ten editions).
  4. National competitionMot-à-monde (initiated by IF Cluj-Napoca: national competition for the translation of a French text, open to students and students from the UOT). Responsible: Ioana Marcu, Ileana Eiben, Georgiana Badea.
  5. Film festival français organized by the Institut français de Roumanie (thirteen editions): le program de cette année (16-26 mars 2023) déroulé à l'UOT et au cinéma Victoria from Timisoara
  6. evenings Ciné-film: Projection cinéma (activité mensuelle : la dernière projection : le mardi 14 mars 2023 en collaboration avec la Bibliothèque de l'Université Polytechnic from Timișoara, I film them Papicha, à l'occasion du Mois de la Francophonie et pour faire écho à la Journée internationale des droits des femmes du March 8).



  • Training / Formative activities with students in Bachelor, Master and Doctorate programs


  1. Programs d'études francophones

A.1. License: Languages ​​and Littératures: Français – langue moderne (Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Italien, Roumain, Russe, Serbe) or Latin. 3 years

A.2. License: Langues et Littératures: Langue moderne (Anglais, Allemand, Roumain, Russe, Serbe) – Français. 3 years

A.3.Licence: Languages ​​Étrangères Appliquées: Français – langue moderne (Anglais, Espagnol, Russe). 3 years

A.4. Master: Études Romanes culturelles et linguistiques: Français. 2 years

A.5. Master: Théorie et pratique de la traduction: Français-Anglais. 2 years

  1. Center d'études doctoralesfrançaises et francophones dans l'UOT: directeurs de thèses: Georgiana Badea, Ramona Malita, Vasile Popovici.


  1. Student colloquium (préparatifs pour la VIe édition): every month of May the Chaire de Français organizes this scientific manifestation intended for francophone students of our University, from Romania and francophone countries. (2022 edition with international participation). Organizers: Ramona Malita, Ioana Marcu, Ileana Eiben.


  1. Volumes réunissant des contributions estudiantines
  2. Ramona Maliţa, Dana Ungureanu (dir.), Journées francophones d'études. Contributions des étudiants du cercle de littérature française La Pléiade, Timisoara, Eurostampa, 2016.
  3. Prix ​​Goncourt à la carte : essays sur l'extrême contemporain français et francophone, under the direction of Ramona Malita, Andreea Dobrescu, Claudiu Gherasim, Valentina Goje, Timisoara, Mirton, 2023.


  1. Francophone competition pour les lycées The pleiad (at IIIe édition) : national contest organized by the Chaire de Français de notre Faculté. Responsible: Ioana Marcu, Ramona alita.


  1. Translation workshops : chaque semestre notre Chaire proposes au moins a thematic workshop of traductions. Responsible: Ileana Eiben.


  1. Competition Dis-moi dix mots (concours de productions créatives organized by the Lectorat français de l'UOT – LIT and the Institut français de Roumanie : responsible Laëtitia Rey) : jeu pour jouer sur les mots du thème du temps (2023).


  1. Écoles estudiantines international themes, organized in collaboration with the Université de Pau et de Pays de l'Adour, the Université de Turin, the Université de Chambéry, the Université de Beira Interior, Portugal, the Université de Saragossa (responsibles Ramona Malita , Ileana Eiben, Ioana Marcu, Georgiana Badea).


  1. Rencontres avec les écrivains: Irina Teodorescu, David Diop, Yasmina Khadra, Annie Lulu (responsibles Ramona Malita, Ioana Marcu).


  1. Reading Club et de prononciation française (activité mensuelle moderatere par Laëtitia Rey and Estelle Pidoux).


  1. conversation workshop (tous les mardis, from 13:14 to XNUMX:XNUMX, au Lectorat de français de l'UOT, responsables Laëtitia Rey and Estelle Pidoux).


  1. Remercier mon prof de français (write a letter of thanks addressed to my professor of French): activity held in November on the occasion of the International Day of the Professor of French (responsibles Ioana Marcu, Ramona Malita, Laëtitia Rey).


  1. Online dictation (responsible Ioana Marcu): interactive online dictation: guest: Rachid Santaki.


  1. Collaborations with professors de l'enseignement secondaire: débats et round tables avec les profs de français de l'enseignement secondaire, organized by notre Chaire de français (last organized in May 2022 sur le profil actuel de l'élève francophone).


(Synthèse mise au jour le 3 avril 2023 par Ramona Malita)

At the Faculté d'Economie et d'Administration des Affaires, la plus grande de l'UVT, a depuis longtemps un collectif de professeurs qui assure l'enseignement du français à nos étudiants. Plus encore, depuis 2010, les enseignants-chercheurs francophones de la faculté couvrent un program d'études universitaires de license en français : Management, et, depuis 2012, a program d'études universitaires de master en français : Business management in European contexts.

Details link

In the francophone dimension à la Faculté d'Economie et d'Administration des Affaires de l'Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara


At l'Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara, dans le cadre de la Faculté d'Economie et d'Administration des Affaires, il ya, depuis 2010, a program d'études universitaires de license avec enseignement en langue française: Management, et , depuis 2012, a master's program of university studies with teaching in French language: Business management in a European context.


These two license and master programs, respectively, with teaching in French language, are the result of good relations between French universities and Romanian universities.


During une durée de 4 ans, entre 2010 et 2014, le program d'études universitaires de license Management a fonctionné en régime de double diplôme, avec l'Université de Lille, France. Which program mainly attracts students from Algérie, Morocco and Tunisia, as well as Romanian students, bachelors from high schools with enseignement en langue française (


Au niveau du master, le program d'études universitaires Management des affairs en contexte européen offers une continuation des études pour les licenciés du program Management en langue française. C'est un program à vocation internationale, soutenu également par la presence deux professeurs français/francophones. Entre les années 2015 – 2019, which master's program has also benefited from a double diploma, with the University of Lille, France.


What master's program has been, since the beginning, designed to be in concordance with the teaching plans of European universities, in the domain of business, and the students of that program are mainly from Morocco, Algeria, from Tunisie, du Cameroun et, more recently, from Guinée et de la République Central-Africaine (


At the doctorate level, several doctorate theses in langue française have been supervised by our enseignants-chercheurs. Between 2016 and 2018, three doctorate theses written in French were supported by doctoral students from Algeria and Tunisia.


In terms of research, francophone teachers from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration have been participating, for almost 20 years, in conferences organized by the research group PGV (Les Pays du Groupe de Višegrad). The involvement has been concreted in joint works published with colleagues from other European universities, in the organization of 2 conferences by the research group in Timisoara (in 2006 and in 2014, respectively), as well as in l'implication des enseignants from the Faculté d'Economie et d'Administration des Affaires dans le pilotage scientifique des conférences.


We mention, also, common researches with Moroccan professors, at participation in international conferences in Morocco, as well as student and teacher exchanges, through the Erasmus program, with French, Moroccan and Tunisian universities.


Pour l'avenir, we envisage to conclude a doctorate in cotutelle with une université de Casablanca, au Maroc.


The collaboration with the socio-economic milieu has been realized in a close collaboration with the Institut français de Timisoara, which facilitates the presentation of undergraduate and master's degree programs at different events organized to promote education en langue française. On peut remarquer égaleme une bonne collaboration avec la CCIFER – la Chambre de Commerce Franco-Roumaine de Bucarest. The managers of French companies intervene as guests in the framework of the master's program Management des Affaires en Contexte Européen, offering students a practical approach to the business environment.


Finally, les étudiants from our license and master's programs with teaching in the French language benefit from internships in the cadres of companies with a majority French capital, in the region.

Other structures

CRU (University Success Center)

Created in 2013 by AUF BECO, the Center for University Success of the Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara CRU OUT played and plays an important role in the promotion of the French language within the Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara.

Details link

CRU OUT presentation:
Responsible: lect.univ.dr. Ioana Marcu (Faculté des Lettres, UOT), conf. univ. dr. Ramona Malita (Faculty of Letters, UOT)

Created in 2013 by AUF BECO, the Center for University Success of the University of Western Timisoara CRU OUT played an important role in the promotion of the French language within the University of Western Timisoara en général et de la Faculté des Lettres en particulier. Alongside its dedicated partners – the French Department of the Faculty of Letters, the French Lectureship of the Université de l’Ouest de Timisoara, the “Hexagone” Association of Francophone and Francophile students of Timisoara, the French Institute of Timisoara, le Cercle de Littérature française « La Pléiade » -, le CRU OUT organized au fil des années de nombreuses activités destinées aux étudiants de l'Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara et aux lycées (rencontres avec des écrivains français et francophones, rencontres avec des représentantes des entreprises francophones/visites dans des entreprises françaises, ateliers d'écriture/de conversation/Français sur objectivees universitaires, visits dans des lycées des départements de Timis, Arad, Hunedoara, etc.; rencontres avec les professeurs de FLE; colloques estudiantins; online dictées; stages d'improvisation théâtrale; concours de traduction, etc.). In the years to come, the CRU OUT proposes to strengthen and diversify its activities for the promotion of the French language and to put in place collaboration projects with the other CRUs of Central and Eastern Europe.

French lecturer at UVT

Since its creation in 1966, le Lectorat français, par l'activité ininterrompue de ses lecteurs, a soutenu l'intérêt pour la langue française par des activités des plus intéressantes. Le Lectorat français was and still is a meeting place for the arts – music, poetry, theater, cinema – but also a training center of various types, especially pedagogical ones, with the help of specialists invited from France.

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