UVT for the pre-university environment
The Western University of Timișoara pays special attention not only to its students - the main beneficiaries of the educational act - but also to its future students, the students from high school education, with whom they interact long before they take the first steps towards the university environment, as well as teachers from the pre-university system and educational units involved in the training of future students. For UVT, the university-pre-university environment partnership is not only a wish, but a reality materialized through a solid partnership, opportunities, joint projects and activities and support offered to our colleagues with such an important role in the educational system.
Every year we bring the educational offer of our university closer to students through the UVT Caravan, during which UVT representatives, together with volunteer students, visit the most important high schools in the main selection pool of UVT and answer all the curiosities that future students have regarding the university environment and student life at UVT. In the activity of the UVT Caravan, students from the 80th and 15.000th grades of over XNUMX high schools in the counties of Alba, Arad, Bihor, Brașov, Caraș-Severin, Gorj, Hunedoara, Maramureș, Mehedinți, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Timiș, Vâlcea, information on the UVT offer being disseminated to approximately XNUMX students annually. The educational offer of the university is also promoted to Romanian students from everywhere, in several high schools in Serbia and the Republic of Moldova. At the same time, we are present every year at the main national and international educational fairs, where we have the opportunity to present the university to the participants.
Also, every year we make sure that students have the opportunity to get to know our university closely through Open Days at UVT, event about which you can discover more details HERE. In addition, we organize periodically webinars presenting the UVT educational offer, so that any student can find out the necessary information about the admission process at UVT.
Another occasion through which students have the opportunity to get to know our university, more precisely to feel like "students" for 2 weeks, is the project West Summer University, a summer school organized by OSUT (Student Organization of the Western University of Timișoara), in partnership with UVT, held annually since 2011. The project offers XNUMXth and XNUMXth grade students the opportunity to experience student life in Timișoara and to be properly informed and advised about their university studies goes through them. More information about this project is available HERE.
UVT has also developed a platform through which students can take vocational guidance tests for free, and then receive recommendations for fields of study according to their interests, abilities and aptitudes - YTM. The reports generated by the platform following the testing process can then be interpreted with the support of UVT advisors within Career Counseling and Guidance Center (CCOC). More information about the YTM platform and how CCOC-UVT counselors can support students is available HERE.
Students have the opportunity to interact with the Western University of Timișoara since their high school years and within competitions dedicated to them organized by the UVT faculties. Those who achieve very good results in these can benefit from advantages in the admission process, in accordance with the regulations regarding the organization and conduct of the admission process of the faculties. Announcements of upcoming contests are available HERE.
Because we want to be a real support for students from the time of their high school studies, annually, during the second semester, UVT organizes free preparation sessions for the Baccalaureate exam, for all exam subjects, supported by university teaching staff and open to all students. You can learn more about them HERE.
In order to support candidates in the admission process and ensure everyone's access to the registration stage, UVT organizes several county admission centers (in 2023 they will operate in 10 different counties: Alba, Arad, Bihor, Caraș-Severin, Gorj , Hunedoara, Mehedinți, Satu Mare, Timiș and Vâlcea), where they can present themselves to go through the necessary steps to register at UVT, supported by our colleagues, or to find out more information about the university.
UVT constantly encourages excellence and supports students who have achieved outstanding results in various national and international competitions and Olympiads during their high school studies, thus offering special admission conditions and benefit packages for those who choose to pursue university studies at UVT, about which you can find out more details HERE.
Gala of Excellence "Iancu de Hunedoara", an annual event in which UVT is a partner, aims to reward Olympic students, their coordinators and students from the 12th grade with exceptional academic results from Hunedoara county, by awarding scholarships for a period of XNUMX months. In addition, the winners of the Gala, who later become UVT students, will benefit from the scholarship Juventutes Hunedorenses for a period of 12 months, respectively free accommodation in UVT dormitories.
UVT is also concerned with the training of pre-university teaching staff, carrying out programs whose ultimate goal is to increase the quality of the educational process. Thus, within UVT it works Department for Teaching Staff Training (DPPD), which provides and manages professional skills development programs for students and graduates of higher education and for pre-university and higher education teachers. Psycho-pedagogical training program in order to certify the competencies for the teaching profession it can be followed within the UVT including postgraduate regime. Also, starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, UVT also offers university study programs of didactic master in 5 fields (Biology, Chemistry, Physical Education and Sports, Physics and Geography).
To come to the support teaching staff from the pre-university environment, UVT developed the postgraduate training and continuing professional development program Digital technologies in the educational process, which aims to train them in order to use digital technologies in the teaching-learning-evaluation process.
In order to strengthen links with the pre-university education system and to develop activities dedicated to students and teachers, at UVT it works Department for Relations with the Pre-University Environment (DRMP).