Student Scholarship Award Process

Student Scholarship Award Process

Until 30 November 2023 files can be submitted for the granting of social grants.

Performance Scholarships and Start UVT scholarships will be granted without the need to submit a file, based on the students' academic results, respectively the documents uploaded in the admission platform (for first-year students).

The process of submitting files for the grant of scholarships this semester will continue exclusively online. The files for social scholarships will be taken through the online platform – social grants section. Students' access to this platform is through the institutional e-mail address ( 

calendar the scholarship awarding process for the current semester is as follows:

Activity Period
Online retrieval of files for all scholarship categories 20.11-30.11
Verification of files by the Commission for granting scholarships at the faculty level 04.12-11.12
Online display of lists of potential scholarship students 11.12
Online intake of college-level appeals 12.12-13.12
Analysis and resolution of appeals by the Scholarship Awarding Commission 14.12
Online intake of appeals at the university level 15.12
Analyzing and resolving appeals at university level 18.12
Online display of the final lists with scholarship studentsTransmission of the final centralizer to the Vice-Chancellor's Office 18.12
Sending the scholarship payment statement to the Economic-Financial Department 20.12

Award criteria, required documents and other details for each type of scholarship are available in Exclusive regarding the granting of scholarships. The social scholarship is granted for the whole period academic yearand performance scholarship it is awarded semiannually.

All types of scholarships are granted including for the vacation period.

amounts scholarships awarded by UVT in the academic year 2023-2024 are available HERE

A student cannot receive two types of scholarships simultaneously from the same category, but he has the right to opt for the one with a higher value or which is granted for a longer period of time. Sstudents who benefit from a social scholarship can also receive any other type of scholarship.

For the evaluation of social scholarship files for the academic year 2023-2024, the value of the net minimum basic salary per economy considered is of 2079 lei/month. According to article 17, paragraph (1), letter (c) of Exclusive regarding the granting of scholarships, students whose families have not achieved are eligible to obtain a social grant in the 12 months before the start of the academic semester/year an average net monthly income per family member higher than the net minimum basic wage in the economy

Scholarships are transferred to students' personal bank accounts, usually in the last week of each monthBy way of exception, the scholarships for the months of October, November and December 2023 will be transferred together at the end of December 2023. Collect IBAN accounts but by scholarship students it will be done through an online form, on the platform

COMPLAINTS and any others requested documents students related to the scholarship awarding process are taken exclusively online, by sending them to the e-mail address dedicated to the scholarship awarding process at the faculty level, as follows: 

Faculty E-mail address
Faculty of Arts and Design
Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Geography
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Physics
Faculty of Letters, History and Theology
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Music and Theater
Faculty of Sociology and Psychology
Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences

Others may also be sent through these email addresses questions about the scholarship process.