UVT Digital and Green Living Lab

As a comprehensive university, which includes both STEAM fields, social sciences and humanities, culture and creativity and other related subjects, UVT is the first university in Romania to host a Living Lab, recognized by the European Network of Living Labs, starting from January 2022 . 

Focusing on meaningful transformative projects that contribute to improving community well-being, the UVT Digital & Green Living Lab uses digital and green tools for transformative projects, benefiting from UVT's human capital and education and research infrastructure. 

Joining ENoLL provides access to European partnerships and funding for research and innovation actions aimed at creating technological progress in the region, strengthening capacities for the relevant and innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem and access to the European and international market for the academic, public and private sector in Western Romania.

At the moment, the European Network of Living Labs brings together more than 150 living labs globally, and the UVT Digital & Green Living Lab is a full member of the European Network from July 2022.


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UVT Digital & Green Living Lab provides the framework for open innovation activities at the Western University of Timișoara, through the Institute of Advanced Environmental Research, the Technological Transfer and Innovation Center, with the involvement of the human capital of UVT and its partners.

UVT Digital & Green Living Lab is the open innovation framework hosted by the West University of Timișoara (WUT), via the Advanced Environmental Research Institute, the Technology Transfer & Innovation Centre, with active involvement of the human capital of the WUT and its partners.

www.uvt.ro |livinglab@e-uvt.ro |+40-256-592750