Announcement regarding the occupation of an inspector position in the field of safety and health at work

Announcement regarding the occupation of an inspector position in the field of safety and health at work

Contest date: April 6, 2023
Contest time: 10:00
Contest location: The head office of UVT, Timişoara, Bd. Vasile Pârvan, no. 4.

1. Competition commission:

  • Aldea Bogdan – President;
  • Meliș Mihaela – Member;
  • Dicso Vanessa – Member;
  • David Diana, Human Resources Department – ​​Secretary.

2. The appeal commission:

  • Professor Enache Cosmin – President;
  • Timofte Petronela – Member;
  • Topai Nadia – Member;
  • David Diana, Human Resources Department - Secretary.

3. Substitute member of the competition committee:

  • Iulian Popescu;
  • Destroy Marius.

4. Substitute member of the competition committee secretary:

  • Dicso Vanessa, Human Resources Department.


Additional details

After posting the final results obtained, as the case may be, unsatisfied candidates can lodge an appeal within a maximum of one working day from the date of posting the final result.

The communication of the results of the appeals resolution commission is displayed within a maximum of one working day after the expiration of the deadline for submitting appeals.


Additional information can be obtained from the Human Resources Department, tel. 0256/592159.


Human Resources Department

Diana David

Competition tests:

The competition for filling the vacant position consists of 4 successive stages, as follows:

  1. the selection of enrollment files;
  2. written test on the subject of the bibliography – 10:00 a.m.;
  3. interview - 13:00 p.m.

Each trial is eliminatory.

Bibliography of the competition:

  • Law no. 319 of July 14, 2006 on occupational safety and health;
  • Decision no. 1425 of October 11, 2006 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions of the Law on Safety and Health at Work no. 319/2006;
  • Government Decision no. 1146 of 2006 regarding the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers;
  • Government Decision no. 1091 of August 16, 2006 regarding minimum safety and health requirements for the workplace;
  • UG no. 195/2002 regarding traffic on public roads;
  • Law no. 307 of July 12, 2006 on fire protection;
  • Order no. 163 of February 28, 2007 for the approval of the General Fire Protection Rules;
  • Order no. 712 of June 23, 2005 for the approval of the General Provisions regarding the training of employees in the field of emergency situations;
  • Order no. 786 of September 2, 2005 regarding the amendment and completion of the Order of the Minister of Administration and Interior no. 712/2005 for the approval of the General Provisions regarding the training of employees in the field of emergency situations;
  • Order no. 3946/2001 fire prevention and extinguishing rules specific to educational and educational units;
  • Law no. 481 of November 8, 2004 on civil protection;
  • Law no. 53 of 2003 - Republished Labor Code;
  • Decision no. 355 of April 11, 2007 on workers' health surveillance;
  • Government Decision no. 1048 of 2006 - Minimum safety and health requirements for the use by workers of personal protective equipment at work.

Competition files will be submitted by 29.03.2023, at 15:00 p.m. at the UVT Registry (with menț"At the attention of the Human Resources Department, job application file Job title"), UVT headquarters or at the e-mail addresses, and must contain the following documents:

  1. competition registration application addressed to the head of the organizing public institution (Annex 1);
  2. copy of the birth certificate, copy of the identity document or any other document that certifies the identity, according to the law, as the case may be;
  3. copies of documents certifying the level of studies and other documents certifying the performance of specializations, copies of documents certifying the fulfillment of specific conditions;
  4. copy of the work card, or, as the case may be, a certificate certifying seniority in work, in the trade and/or in the specialty of studies;
  5. the criminal record issued no more than 6 months before the date of the competition (original);
  6. medical certificate attesting to the appropriate state of health issued no more than 6 months before the competition by the candidate's family doctor or by the competent health units (original);
  7. curriculum vitae;
  8. declaration regarding the authenticity of the documents (Annex 2).

- The certificate certifying the state of health clearly contains the number, date, name of the issuer and its quality, in the standard format established by the Ministry of Health.

The documents provided for in point IV letter 2).

Information regarding the position of inspector in the field of safety and health at work, within the Human Resources Department

  • The position of occupational health and safety inspector is subordinate to the Head of Office;
  • Duration and working conditions: the position is for a fixed period, with the possibility of extension, the duration of the working time being 8 hours/day, respectively 40 hours/week under normal working conditions;
  • The minimum gross salary for the position is 3544 lei.
  • The food allowance is 347 lei.
  • The trial period is 30 days according to the law;
  • Rest leave and its duration: granted annually in accordance with the provisions of the republished Labor Code and special laws (if applicable).



conditionsgeneral thoughts:

  1. has Romanian citizenship, citizenship of other member states of the European Union or of states belonging to the European Economic Area and domicile in Romania;
  2. knows the Romanian language, written and spoken;
  3. has the minimum age regulated by the legal provisions;
  4. has full exercise capacity;
  5. has a state of health corresponding to the position for which he is applying, attested on the basis of the medical certificate issued by the family doctor or the authorized health units;
  6. fulfills the conditions of studies and, as the case may be, seniority or other specific conditions according to the requirements of the position put up for competition;
  7. has not been definitively convicted for committing a crime against humanity, against the state or against the authority, in the service or in connection with the service, which prevents the execution of justice, forgery or acts of corruption or a crime committed with intent, which would - incompatible with the exercise of the function, except for the situation in which rehabilitation has taken place.

 Specific conditions:

  • Higher studies in fields relevant to the position;
  • Certificate of qualification: Inspector in the field of safety and health at work;
  • Job-specific seniority (Minimum experience in years correlated with salary): 5 years;
  • Intermediate level computer skills: MsOffice – Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access
  • Communication skills in public relations, including drafting official documents (addresses, reports)
  • Other specific requirements:
    • capacity for analysis and synthesis, dynamic adaptation to work tasks, resistance to stress;
    • initiative spirit;
    • responsible and organized person;
    • communication skills;
    • teamwork skills.
  • To ensure the fulfillment of all obligations of the employer in the field of safety and health at work (OSH) for all works in UVT, according to the normative acts in force (Law no. 319/2006 on safety and health at work, updated and GD no. 1425/2006 on the Norms methodological application of law no. 319/2006, updated);
  • To take measures to ensure the safety and health protection of employees;
  • To identify places with occupational risks and take measures to prevent them;
  • To inform and train the employees and the heads of the work points regarding the safety rules at work;
  • To request the employer to ensure the organizational framework and the necessary means to ensure the safety of employees;
  • To prioritize collective protection measures over individual protection measures;
  • To evaluate the risks for the safety and health of the works, including the choice of the work equipment, the substances or chemical preparations used, and the employment at the workplaces;
  • To establish the necessary links with the specialized services, in terms of first aid, emergency medical service, rescue and fire brigade;
  • To keep records of work accidents resulting in an inability to work for more than 3 working days, minor accidents, occupational diseases, dangerous incidents, etc.;
  • To prepare for the competent authorities and in accordance with the legal regulations, reports on work accidents suffered by the institution's employees;
  • To establish for the employees, through the job description, the attributions and responsibilities that fall to them in the field of safety and health at work, corresponding to the functions exercised;
  • To ensure and verify the knowledge and application by all employees of the measures provided for in the established prevention and protection plan, as well as of the legal provisions in the field of safety and health at work, through their own competence, or through external services;
  • To ensure the information of each person, prior to employment, on the risks to which they are exposed at the workplace, as well as on the necessary prevention and protection measures;
  • Ensures that only persons are employed who, following the medical examination and, as the case may be, the psychological testing of skills, correspond to the work task they are to perform and ensure the periodic medical control, and, as the case may be, the periodic psychological control, after employment ;
  • To present the documents requested by the labor inspectors during the control or investigation of the events;
  • To request the management of the unit to carry out the measures ordered by the labor inspectors on the occasion of the control visits and the investigation of the events;
  • To participate with the labor inspectors, in carrying out the control or in the investigation of the events;
  • To request the management of the unit, the provision of work equipment necessary for the safety and health of employees;
  • To request the management of the unit, the provision of individual protective equipment;
  • To request the management of the unit, the compulsory and free provision of hygienic-sanitary materials at workplaces that require their provision;
  • To request from the management of the unit, the measures that ensure the appropriate supervision of the health of all employees, at regular intervals through occupational medicine doctors;
  • To draw up the legal documents in order to carry out a normal activity in the field of labor protection, representing the interests of the university in this line, the relations with the objectives (educational spaces and accommodation spaces) specific to the field of activity, taking the necessary measures according to the requirements of each workplace, ensuring knowledge by each employee of his obligations in the field of occupational health and safety;
  • To ensure the acquisition and compliance by the university employees of the labor protection instructions and their application measures;
  • To ensure, through its own elaborated instructions, the correct use of technical equipment, machines, toxic substances, dangerous substances and other technical means of study and production;
  • To bring to the attention of the management in the shortest possible time the work accidents that occurred in the university's objectives, the causes, the effects, the number of injured and the measures taken that must be taken to eliminate the consequences of the accident and their elimination in the future;
  • To endorse the necessity of granting, in accordance with the legislation, individual protective equipment to employees, corresponding to the purpose for which it is granted;
  • To elaborate with the employer and/or with the employees specific attributions in the field of safety and health at work, in order to give the employer the opportunity to ensure all the appropriate working conditions at the workplaces;
  • To participate in the investigation of all events or work accidents that take place in the university;
  • To ensure the medical supervision and first aid of the employees together with the occupational medicine doctor;
  • To ensure the appropriate supervision of the employees' health depending on the risks regarding security and health at work are established according to the legal regulations; the prescribed measures will be established so that each worker can benefit from health surveillance at regular intervals.
  • To ensure the point-by-point organization of prevention and protection activities in accordance with Law no. 319/2006 and HG 1425/2006;
  • He is responsible for the periodic processing of the legislation in force and informs the employees of the legislative changes that have appeared in the field;
  • To draw up on time the situations and reports requested by the control authority from ITM;
  • To ensure, together with the Safety and Health at Work Committee, information, consultation and participation regarding the activities in the unit and problems regarding safety and health at work;
  • To carry out controls within the work sectors and bring to the attention of the workplace leader the reported deficiencies and how to solve them;
  • Responsible for taking the most effective measures to set up smoking areas;
  • To act permanently to ensure the working and living conditions for the university staff;
  • To propose to the management sanctions for those who violate labor protection norms;
  • Responsible for the supply of warning advertising materials such as: danger of death, smoking prohibited, explosion danger, consumption of alcoholic beverages prohibited at work;
  • Draws up the plan proposals for office-related purchases, as well as the related necessity reports, drawing up all the necessary documents as well as the reception of the products/services related to it;
  • He conducts the SSM training for the personnel who are hired (general introductory training) as well as the training of the head of the work points, also:
  • When changing jobs or transferring;
  • When performing special works, when new risks appear and/or periodically and whenever necessary;
  • At the university level, they check how the PSI forms are drawn up by the job coordinators;
  • Performs any other duties given by the university management;
  • He is the Secretary of the PSI Technical Commission according to the provisions of Law 307/2006 art. 27 para. a,b,c,de,f,g;
  • Monitors, together with the coordinators of the work points, the operating status of the hydrants and the validity periods of the fire extinguishers within the objectives;
  • Responsible for drawing up the evacuation plan in case of fire;
  • To participate directly with the Field Inspector in control of the university's objectives and draw up the finding note together;
  • To monitor the appropriate equipment and equipment against fires at the university's objectives;
  • To keep the documents of the technical commission for fire prevention and extinguishing, the minutes of the specialized technical control of the fire prevention and extinguishing activity drawn up by the specialized institutions, the judgments, orders, decisions and programs of measures related to the prevention and extinguishing of fires adopted by the management of the objective or authorities, as well as the thematic training materials for the personnel involved in the work regarding the knowledge of the PSI norms, the copies after the organization of the prevention and extinguishing of workplace fires and after the intervention schemes in case of fire and explosion, the approved list of smoking places, the table with the personnel authorized to perform works with open fire, the reports and information regarding the PSI activity, copies of the fire work permits issued, correspondence;
  • To verify compliance with the rules and the timely and high-quality fulfillment of fire protection measures throughout the university's territory and provides specialized technical assistance in their application and implementation;
  • To transmit the assigned tasks and measures to the members of the Technical Commission and other interested persons and control the proposals made by them;
  • To establish together with the technical service the fire protection measures that must be taken during the tests, as well as when resuming and putting the technological installations into operation and verify their implementation;
  • To take the necessary measures for providing first aid, extinguishing fires and evacuating employees, adapted to the nature of the activities and the size of the enterprise and/or unit, taking into account other people present;
  • To verify the inclusion of fire protection measures that must be ensured for new investments;
  • To verify the inclusion in the technical documentation developed by the technical service, investments of fire prevention and extinguishing measures according to normative acts;
  • To act for the timely execution of all works and fire protection measures provided in the technical documentation;
  • To follow the timely supply by the supplier of all means of protection against fires related to the objectives;
  • To communicate to the hierarchical leader any aspect that could endanger the safety of the objectives and the human factor;
  • To ensure obtaining the operating authorization from the OSH point of view before starting any activity;
  • To ensure the formation and operation of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee (in companies with at least 50 employees);
  • To develop, fulfill, monitor and update the prevention and protection plan composed of technical, sanitary, organizational and other measures, based on risk assessment;
  • To draw up own instructions for the completion and/or application of occupational safety and health regulations, taking into account the particularities of activities and the unit, as well as workplaces/work stations, and disseminates these instructions in the unit only after they have been approved by the employer;
  • To verify the appropriation and application by all employees of the measures provided for in the prevention and protection plan, of their own instructions, as well as of their duties and responsibilities in the field of OSH established by the job description;
  • To develop themes for all training phases, establish, in writing, the periodicity of appropriate training for each job in its own instructions, ensure the information and training of employees in the field of safety and health at work and verify the acquisition and application by employees of the information received;
  • To draw up the annual PM program, organize and set up the first aid points inside the entire unit;
  • To ensure control and compliance with the legislative regulations in force regarding Safety and Health at Work, Fire Prevention and Extinguishing and Environmental Protection by all employees, according to Law no. 319/2006;
  • To ensure the identification of hazards and the assessment of risks for the safety and health of employees, including the choice of work equipment, substances or chemical preparations used and the arrangement of workplaces, taking into account the nature of the university's activities;
  • To ensure that the measures established by the employer are taken for the protection of risk-sensitive groups (pregnant, nursing or nursing women, young people, people with disabilities);
  • To ensure the preparation of the action plan in case of serious and imminent danger and the training of all employees for its application;
  • To keep track of high and specific risk areas;
  • To determine the areas that require OSH signage as well as the type of signage required and the location according to legal provisions;
  • To keep records of the trades and professions provided by the specific legislation, for which the authorization of their exercise is necessary;
  • To keep track of jobs that require additional medical examinations;
  • To keep track of jobs that, upon the recommendation of the occupational medicine doctor, require skills testing and/or periodic psychological control;
  • To monitor the operation of systems and protection devices, measurement and control equipment, as well as ventilation installations or other installations for controlling noxes in the work environment;
  • To check the operation status of the alarm, warning, emergency signaling systems, as well as the safety systems;
  • To carry out internal controls at workplaces, informing the employer in writing of the deficiencies found and of the measures proposed to remedy them;
  • To take appropriate measures so that, in areas of high and specific risk, access is allowed only to employees who have received and mastered the appropriate instructions;
  • To ensure conditions for each worker to receive sufficient and appropriate training in the field of OSH, especially in the form of information and work instructions, specific to his workplace and position;
  • To draw up the necessary documentation of a technical nature for information and training of employees in the field of OSH;
  • To develop the training-testing program at the unit level;
  • To provide advice to the coordinators of the various departments within the organization regarding the legislative regulations in force and the rules regarding OSH PSI and Environmental Protection;
  • To ensure the training and information of staff in PM, PSI and Environmental Protection issues;
  • To participate in the communication and investigation of events, the registration and record of work accidents and dangerous incidents, the signaling, research, declaration and reporting of occupational diseases;
  • To draw up the unique Register of records of work-related injuries; The unique registry of dangerous incidents; The single record register of minor accidents; The unique register of work-related injuries resulting in incapacity for work for more than 3 working days;
  • To continuously control the manner of compliance / application of safety and health rules at work;
  • To identify the necessary personal protective equipment and prepare the requirements for equipping employees with personal protective equipment;
  • To keep records of the work equipment and ensure that the periodic checks and, if necessary, the periodic tests of the work equipment are carried out by competent persons;
  • To draw up the intervention plan for the prevention and extinguishing of fires for all work points in the company;
  • To coordinate intervention and evacuation activities in situations of imminent danger, disasters, accident situations and to carry out the first investigations regarding the causes and circumstances of their occurrence;
  • To alert the intervention factors, providing the necessary information in a clear, precise and to the point manner;
  • To analyze the frequency of work accidents and occupational diseases and draw up reporting documents;
  • To draw up all the documentation regarding the obtaining of environmental approvals, agreements and authorizations, as well as the environmental documentation necessary to obtain the forms of implementation of the various activities of the organization;
  • To ensure the record of the equipment, the appropriate zoning, the timely performance and by competent persons of the periodic checks and/or tests of the work equipment, according to the provisions of the Government Decision no. 1.058/2006 regarding the minimum requirements for improving security and protecting the health of employees who may be exposed to a potential risk due to explosive atmospheres;
  • To be constantly informed about legislative changes, internal procedures and methodologies, specific to his field of activity and to make proposals in accordance with the changes that have appeared;
  • To permanently inform the structures involved, regarding legislative changes, internal procedures and methodologies, specific to its field of activity and to make proposals in accordance with the changes that have occurred;
  • In carrying out the work tasks, he has the obligation to comply with the Work Safety Technical Norms and PSI;
  • Obliges to respect professional secrecy;
  • To monitor the activity of selective waste collection according to the provisions of Law no. 132/2010;
  • To ensure the confidentiality of the personal data it processes throughout the duration of the individual employment contract and after its termination, for an unlimited period, in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679, other applicable provisions of European Union law or internal law;
  • To ensure the preservation and archiving of all documents that are managed in the secretariat, according to the archiving nomenclature in force;
  • The tasks given by the higher hierarchical head, related to the specifics of the position with respect for the fair distribution of tasks between positions, also constitute a service obligation;
  • Failure to correctly perform the established tasks and duties and failure to respect the limits of competence, attracts disciplinary, material, civil or criminal liability as the case may be;
  • Obliges to comply with the provisions of the Charter, Regulations and other internal regulations in force in the Western University of Timisoara;
  • The daily check (except for legal leave) of the electronic correspondence received at the institutional e-mail address constitutes a service obligation.

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