Announcement regarding the occupation of 2 positions of access control agent

Announcement regarding the occupation of 2 positions of access control agent

Contest date: April 3, 2024
Contest time: 10:00
Contest location: The head office of UVT, Timişoara, Bd. Vasile Pârvan, no. 4.

1. Competition commission:

  • Gabriel Morar – President;
  • Vasile-Cosmin Armășelu-Popescu – Member 1;
  • Andrei Budriș – Member 2;
  • Diana David – Commission Secretary

2. The appeal commission:

  • Laurentiu Georgescu – President;
  • Vlad Petcu – Member 1;
  • Valentin Schwarz – Member 2;
  • Diana David – Commission Secretary.

3. Substitute member of the competition committee:

  • Nicolae Gaita;
  • Ioan-Mirel Ilea;

4. Substitute member of the competition committee secretary:

  • Vanessa Dicso, Human Resources Department.


Additional details

After posting the final results obtained, as the case may be, unsatisfied candidates can lodge an appeal within a maximum of one working day from the date of posting the final result.

The communication of the results of the appeals resolution commission is displayed within a maximum of one working day after the expiration of the deadline for submitting appeals.


Additional information can be obtained from the Human Resources Department, tel. 0256/592159.


Human Resources Department

Diana David

Competition tests:

The competition for filling the vacant position consists of 3 successive stages, as follows:

  1. Selection of enrollment files;
  2. Written test - 10:00 am
  3. Interview (intelligence test) – 13:00 p.m.

Each trial is eliminatory.

Bibliography of the competition:

  • Law no. 333/2003 regarding the protection of objectives, goods, values ​​and the protection of persons, republished.
  • GD 301/2012, for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of Law no. 333/2003 regarding the protection of objectives, assets, values ​​and the protection of persons.
  • UVT card

Competition files will be submitted by 26.03.2024, at 15:00 p.m. at the UVT Registry (with menț"At the attention of the Human Resources Department, job application file Job title"), UVT headquarters or at the e-mail addresses, and must contain the following documents:

  1. request the registration form (Annex 1);
  2. the copy of the identity document or any other document certifying the identity, according to the law, within the validity period the copy of the identity document or any other document certifying the identity, according to the law, as the case may be; if the candidate has changed his name, copies of documents certifying the change of name - marriage certificate or proof of name change;
  3. copy of the marriage certificate or other document through which the name change was made, as the case may be;
  4. copies of documents certifying the level of studies and other documents certifying the completion of specializations, as well as copies of documents certifying the fulfillment of the specific conditions of the position;
  5. the work book or, as the case may be, the certificates certifying seniority in work, in the profession and/or in the specialty of studies, in copy;
  6. the criminal record or a declaration on his own responsibility that he has no criminal history that would make him incompatible with the position for which he is applying; the candidate declared admitted to the selection of files, who submitted a declaration on his own responsibility at registration that he has no criminal history, has the obligation to complete the competition file with the original criminal record, at the latest by the date of the first test of the competition.
  7. medical certificate attesting to the appropriate state of health issued no more than 6 months before the competition by the candidate's family doctor or by the authorized health units. The certificate certifying the state of health clearly contains the number, date, name of the issuer and its quality, in the standard format established by the Ministry of Health;
  8. the certificate of behavioral integrity from which it appears that no crimes have been committed under art. 1 paragraph (2) from Law no. 118/2019 regarding the automated national register regarding persons who have committed sexual crimes, exploitation of certain persons or against minors, as well as for the completion of Law no. 76/2008 regarding the organization and operation of the National Judicial Genetic Data System, with subsequent amendments, for candidates registered for positions within the education, health or social protection system, as well as any public or private entity whose activity involves direct contact with children, elderly persons, persons with disabilities or other categories of vulnerable persons or which involves the physical examination or psychological evaluation of a person;.
  9. curriculum vitae, common European model;
  10. declaration regarding the authenticity of the documents (Annex 2).

- The certificate certifying the state of health clearly contains the number, date, name of the issuer and its quality, in the standard format established by the Ministry of Health.

The documents provided for in point IV letter 2).

Information regarding the position of access control agent, within the Administrative Service:

  • The position of access control agent is subordinate to the head of the Security Service;
  • Duration and working conditions: the position is for a fixed period - 1 year, with the possibility of extension, the duration of the working time being 8 hours/day, respectively 40 hours/week under normal working conditions;
  • The minimum gross salary for the position is 3650 lei.
  • Food allowance: 347 lei.
  • The trial period is 30 days according to the law;
  • Rest leave and its duration: granted annually in accordance with the provisions of the republished Labor Code and special laws (if applicable).



conditionsgeneral thoughts:

  1. has Romanian citizenship, citizenship of other member states of the European Union or of states belonging to the European Economic Area and domicile in Romania;
  2. knows the Romanian language, written and spoken;
  3. has the minimum age regulated by the legal provisions;
  4. has full exercise capacity;
  5. has a state of health corresponding to the position for which he is applying, attested on the basis of the medical certificate issued by the family doctor or the authorized health units;
  6. fulfills the conditions of studies and, as the case may be, seniority or other specific conditions according to the requirements of the position put up for competition;
  7. has not been definitively convicted for committing a crime against humanity, against the state or against the authority, in the service or in connection with the service, which prevents the execution of justice, forgery or acts of corruption or a crime committed with intent, which would - incompatible with the exercise of the function, except for the situation in which rehabilitation has taken place.

 Specific conditions:

  • Secondary education;
  • Position-specific seniority (Minimum experience in years correlated with salary range): -
  • Qualifications: Guard certificate.
  • He has the obligation to carry out the volume of work at the level of 170 hours on average/month, respectively in shifts of 12 to 24 hours.
  • To know the places and vulnerable points in the perimeter of the post in order to prevent and counteract any acts or facts likely to cause damage;
  • To responsibly guard the objective, goods and values ​​received in custody and ensure their integrity, not making any effort to defend it;
  • Do not allow intoxicated persons to enter the space;
  • To stop and legitimize the persons about whom there are indications that they have committed crimes or other illegal acts, those who violate internal norms established by the management of the institution;
  • To immediately notify the management of the institution about the occurrence of any event during the execution of the service, the measures taken (recording in the event register);
  • To keep the service secrets of the institution, not to provide any kind of data related to the employees of the objective or the specific activity carried out by the institution, to outsiders, being valid even after the termination of the security activity;
  • To wear the uniform and the distinctive insignia according to the regulations and only during the service;
  • Not to report to work under the influence of alcoholic beverages and also not to consume alcoholic beverages during work or before it begins;
  • To carry out, in relation to the specifics of the objective, any tasks that have been entrusted to him according to the provisions of the particular record of the position in which he performs his service;
  • Not to allow the use of cameras or photographs inside the institution except with the approval of the management;
  • To know the functioning of the security technical equipment and the means of connection as well as the way in which they must intervene in certain situations;
  • At the controls carried out by the legal bodies to report on their findings to the management of the institution;
  • To know and respect the internal regulations regarding special events and the other internal norms of the institution;
  • To strictly comply with the provisions of Law 333/2003 regarding the protection of objectives, assets and valuables, regarding the obligations of security personnel;
  • Notify the Police, at tel. 112 in relation to any act of a nature to damage the patrimony of the institution and to give his contest for the fulfillment of the missions that fall to the Police for any acts committed within the scope of competence established by the security post sheet.
  • Performs other tasks established by the superior hierarchical head;
  • Responsible for keeping and using the equipment in use at the workplace, according to technical regulations;
  • Comply with the Internal Regulations of the UVT and the Department;
  • Obliges to respect professional secrecy;
  • The tasks given by the higher hierarchical head, related to the specifics of the position with respect for the fair distribution of tasks between positions, also constitute a service obligation;
  • He undertakes to comply with the provisions of the Charter, the Regulations and other regulations in force.

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