UVT starts the project "PRACTICE4FUTURE: Excellence through practice - an important step for your future!"

UVT starts the project "PRACTICE4FUTURE: Excellence through practice - an important step for your future!"

The West University of Timișoara, as Beneficiary, announces the start of the project "PRACTICE4FUTURE: Excellence through practice – an important step for your future!” (SMIS ID 312422), which aims to improve the quality, inclusiveness, effectiveness and relevance of education and training systems for the labor market. The objectives of the project are the acquisition of green entrepreneurial skills, the implementation of internships at the workplace, the development and support of partnerships with employers, training activities for socio-emotional skills and the realization of an analysis/study regarding the needs for the development of the educational offer.

The project will involve 300 students, thus contributing to increasing their participation rate in internships organized within newly established or developed partnerships, facilitating the insertion of UVT students into the labor market.

The project runs from November 01, 2024 to October 31, 2026 and has as its general objective the organization and provision of internships for 300 students of the Western University of Timișoara (UVT). The aim is not only to provide hands-on experience in their field of study, but also to acquire key skills with a focus on developing green/sustainable entrepreneurial skills. These activities strengthen the connection between the academic and the practical environment, contributing to the complete training of students and their preparation for entering the field of work.

The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) through the Operational Program Education and Employment, under the call "Promoting the development of high-quality, flexible tertiary study programs linked to the requirements of the labor market - STUDENT INTERNSHIPS - Less developed regions". It supports activities under ESO4.5_Improving the quality, inclusiveness, effectiveness and relevance of education and training systems for the labor market, including by validating non-formal and informal learning, the acquisition of key skills (including entrepreneurial and digital) and promoting dual training and apprenticeships. The total value of the project is 4.916.785,50 lei, of which the amount of EU co-financing is 4.818.449.79 lei.

Project activities include:

  • Elaboration of support materials for the educational program;
  • Providing the educational program and organizing a competition;
  • Informing the public about the target group selection methodology and internships;
  • Informing the public about the educational program for the development of green entrepreneurial skills;
  • Registration of candidates, evaluation of files and publication of results;
  • Registration and monitoring of selected candidates in the project's target group;
  • Development of an IT system for the activities of the target group and for its benefit;
  • Identification and selection of practice partners;
  • Providing support activities for students;
  • Analysis of the development needs of the educational offer;
  • Organization of events to disseminate good practices;
  • Developing partnerships to ensure future internships.

Expected results:

Creating and providing support materials for 300 students, participants in the educational program;

Organization of a competition to evaluate the skills acquired for 300 students;

30 prizes awarded to students, depending on the results obtained in the skills assessment;

Participation of 300 students in the educational program for the development of key skills, including green/sustainable entrepreneurship skills;

Informing at least 30 people per campaign about the methodology for selecting the target group and how to conduct internships.

Organization of at least 3 information campaigns/month, for 12 months, about the implementation of internships and the educational program;

Organizing a minimum of 3 information campaigns per month, for 12 months, to inform the public about the educational program aimed at developing green entrepreneurial skills;

An IT system for digitizing the flow of documents regarding internships;

At least 20 partnerships concluded with employers, in order to carry out internships;

300 students successfully completing internships;

Granting a participation allowance for the 300 students;

Organization of a career self-knowledge workshop and 3 workshops for the development of socio-emotional skills;

Carrying out two analyzes on the needs of the target group and employers;

Organization of two events to disseminate good practices;

The conclusion of five new partnerships to ensure future internships.

The project will have positive effects both for the beneficiaries and for the local and regional ecosystem. Internships will allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in the real work environment, developing the skills and competencies required for their field of study. Green/sustainable entrepreneurial skills will also prepare students for the future challenges of the labor market.


Contact details: Western University of Timișoara,


Education and Employment Program 2021-2027

Project: PRACTICE4FUTURE: Excellence through practice – an important step for your future!, SMIS Code: 312422

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