The rector of UVT, university professor dr. Marilen Gabriel Pirtea, still remains the only rector from Timişoara in the new management structure of the CNR

The rector of UVT, university professor dr. Marilen Gabriel Pirtea, still remains the only rector from Timişoara in the new management structure of the CNR

The National Council of Rectors (CNR) is a representative structure for university education in Romania that brings together the vast majority of state and private universities, the main dialogue partner of Romanian universities in the relationship with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, but also with other structures of interest in relation to higher education institutions in Romania.

During the CNR meeting held in Cluj-Napoca, between July 25 and 27, 2024, elections were held for the leadership of the CNR, for a 5-year mandate, similar to the duration of the rector's mandates provided for by the new law on higher education. The management of the CNR will be ensured in the next 5 years by Prof. Univ. Dr. Sorin Cîmpeanu, and Prof. Univ. Dr. Marilen Gabriel Pirtea, rector of UVT, will continue his activity within the CNR management structure, as vice-president, for another term, being the only representative of Timisoara higher education present in the CNR Office, the management forum of this structure.

With a rich activity in recent years, the CNR agenda has included regular meetings to which, in addition to CNR members, representatives of relevant actors for higher education and research, such as representatives of the Ministry of Education and its important structures in relation to universities, have been invited – CNFIS, CNATDCU, CEMU, ANC, representatives of ARACIS, of the ANPCDECP agency, of the Consultative College for Research, Development and Innovation, of UEFISCDI, etc. and, of course, representatives of student associations and organizations and representative unions – ANOSR, UNSR, USR, LSRS or FASMR and the Alma Mater union. CNR was also concerned with the participation and representation of Romanian universities at international educational fairs or in European and international associations and structures (EUA, AUF, etc.) or supporting the interests of universities in the relationship with the management structures of the Romanian state, standing out through an activity rich and efficient.


Prow 2024 Conference

The Western University of Timișoara offers its researchers the opportunity to participate in the Prow 2024 conference, which will take place on October 18, 2024, in Timișoara

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