The Western University of Timișoara, together with the Ministry of Education and the Mediawise Association are partners in the project "Teachers 4.0 Digital Age: Tackling Disinformation and Promoting Digital Literacy through Education and Training in European Classrooms – Teachers in the digital era 4.0: combating misinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training in European classrooms”. The project is financed by the Erasmus+ program, and the consortium that supports it consists of 16 organizations from Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Poland and Romania.
During this period, the partners of the Teachers 4.0 Digital project completed the development of an educational curriculum on the topic of combating disinformation and promoting digital literacy and designing a university course for teachers and educators at the beginning of their careers. The curriculum provides practical examples of lesson plans, analysis and assessment, while providing a glossary of key terminology and a compilation of resources that teachers and educators can use in their teaching. The 10 modules also cover a wide range of topics, from teaching and learning in the digital school environment to digital [media] literacy skills and disinformation.
Starting from November of this year, the Western University of Timișoara will begin training in the field of "digital literacy" for over 200 students from the pedagogy specialization, as well as over 200 teaching staff employed in the pre-university environment.
Teachers 4.0 Digital provides large-scale capacity building for the initial training and continuing professional development of teachers and educators at European level. For more details follow the project website:
INFO: project manager from UVT, prof. Dr. Mihaela Tomită,