CATCAR 31 participation of the CATM Research Center

CATCAR 31 participation of the CATM Research Center

(Thermal analyzes in environmental problems)

In period October 20-22, 2022 took place at Reşita – Romania, CATCAR31, 31st Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry "Eugen Segal" of the Commission for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry of the Romanian Academy. The conference was organized with the collaboration of the Romanian Academy; Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Engineering, Reșita; CEEC-TAC Central Eastern European Committee of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. The scientific committee of CATCAR31 is formed by personalities in the field of thermal analysis from the country and abroad: Petru Budrugeac, Gilbert Rainer Gillich, Vlad T. Popa, Dan Rosu and Titus Vlase. Cristian-Paul Chioncel, Codruţa-Oana Hamat, Anca Moanța, Eugen Răduca, Cristian Tufiși, Gabriela Vlase were part of the organizing committee.

The Center for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Issues from the Western University of Timișoara participated with 11 papers, 10 of which were posters and one paper presented orally and in collaboration with the Research Group from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Victor Babeș" Timișoara, two oral papers and three posters were also presented.

Part of the papers presented the results obtained on the new equipment of ICAM-UVT Timişoara.

The activity of the Research Center "Thermal analysis in environmental problems" within the Western University of Timişoara received appreciation in terms of the diversity of the topics addressed and the involvement of young people (Doctoral students, research assistants and postdoctoral researchers) in the field of thermal analysis and hyphenated techniques applied in the study of materials, biomaterials, pharmaceutical formulations and the development of new devices with pharmaco-medical application from external guests: Prof. Dr. Stefano Vecchio Ciprioti, Sapienza University, Rome, President of AICAT (Italian Association of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis), Prof. Dr. Jordi Farjas University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain and Prof. Dr. Peter Šimon from the Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia.

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