Genuine enthusiasm at UVT, for 200 young robotics enthusiasts

Genuine enthusiasm at UVT, for 200 young robotics enthusiasts

The robotics team of the "Carmen Sylva" National Pedagogical College from Timișoara in collaboration with the Soft Hoarders robotics teams - "Buzești Brothers" National College Craiova and CND Robotics - "Decebal" National College Deva, in partnership with the West University of Timișoara, hosted Saturday, January 13, 2024, the event League Meet by CSH, Timisoara Region. This event brought together, at the Western University of Timișoara, 200 young robotics enthusiasts belonging to 16 teams from 6 cities: Craiova, Târgu Jiu, Hunedoara, Arad, Deva and Timișoara.

The event is part of the series of official events, organized this year at the national level, within the BRD FIRST Tech Challenge Romania robotics competition for high school students, organized by the Nation Through Education Association. The purpose of this competition is to establish collaborative links, to facilitate the sharing of experiences, to give participants the opportunity to test their robots and more, to prepare the teams for the regional stage of the competition, in the atmosphere specific to the FIRST program.

Each year, the game theme is changed, challenging teams to work with enthusiasm and ingenuity to create a competitive robot. During a match that lasts 2 minutes and 30 seconds, the bots perform certain tasks to accumulate points. In the first 30 seconds, the robots move autonomously, and will be controlled remotely for 2 minutes by the drivers, with the help of controllers. The competition is based on teamwork, forming alliances and helping each other, with Gracious Professionalism as the core value.

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