The Management Authority for the Education and Employment Program 2021-2027 within the Ministry of Investments and European Projects has announced the results of the qualitative technical and financial evaluation stage (ETFC) for the projects submitted under the First student in the family call, launched under the Education and Employment Operational Program. Among the projects approved for financing are two projects of the West University of Timișoara, accumulating a budget of almost 16 million lei.
The Management Authority for the Education and Employment Program 2021-2027 within the Ministry of Investments and European Projects has announced the results of the qualitative technical and financial evaluation stage (ETFC) for projects submitted under the Education and Employment Operational Program. Among the projects approved for financing are two projects of the West University of Timișoara, accumulating a budget of almost 16 million lei.
By their specificity, the two projects are addressed to students and pupils from families with a low educational level, providing for the granting of social grants and the adoption of inclusion measures for those with disabilities, as well as educational assistance for Roma pupils.
In the first project, "Be the first, become your best!", the partnership leader is the West University of Timișoara, and the project partners are the "Mircea Eliade" National College from Reșita and the "Clisura Dunării" Technological High School Moldova Nouă, with a target group of 181 pupils and 200 students. The total budget is 7.948.379,18 lei, of which 6.756.122,30 lei EU contribution, 1.033.289,30 lei contribution of the Romanian Government and 158.967,58 lei UVT's own contribution.
For the second project, "Education for your Academic Future-EVA", UVT is also the partnership leader, and the project partners are the Odobleja–Drobeta Turnu Severin National Pedagogical College and the Cujmir Theoretical High School, with a target group of 181 pupils and 200 students. The total budget is 7.941.414,27 lei, of which 6.750.202,13 lei EU contribution, 1.032.383,86 lei contribution of the Romanian Government and 158.828,28 lei UVT's own contribution.