Today, at the headquarters of the Romanian Government, the launch event of the Conference took place Smart Diaspora – Diaspora in higher education, science, innovation and entrepreneurship, Timisoara, April 11-13, 2023 – dedicated to announcing the main dates established in this new major project of the Romanian diaspora.
The conference was attended by the Prime Minister of the Government of Romania, Nicolae Ciucă, the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Sebastian Burduja, the adviser in the Presidential Administration, Diana Păun, the vice-president of the Romanian Academy, Mircea Dumitru, the acting president of the Timișoara University Alliance, the rector of UVT, Marilen Gabriel Pirtea, the general director of UEFISCDI, Adrian Curaj, together with representatives of the organizing institutions.
This landmark international event for the connection of Romanians from the diaspora with Romanian society is organized under the High Patronage of the President of Romania, under the auspices of the Government of Romania, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, by the Timișoara University Alliance (ATU) - formed by the four public universities from Timișoara, UVT, UPT, UMF and USAMVB), together with UEFISCDI, with the participation of the Romanian Academy.
The purpose of the conference is to promote Romanian values in the world and to crystallize close relationships with those who represent our country with honor outside the borders. Over a thousand Romanians from the diaspora will be invited, along with their friends and colleagues from the country.
Being in its fifth edition, preceded by those organized in Bucharest (2008, 2010 and 2012) and Timișoara (2016), the conference will include the plenary works of the participants and exploratory workshops, in which topics such as:
- Science at the frontier of knowledge
- Technological frontier and innovation
- The challenge of digital
- Sustainability, security and resilience for citizens and communities
- Entrepreneurship (social, technological, cultural)
- Science with and for all in society and for society
- European universities through the eyes of the smart diaspora
- The non-governmental sector – research challenges
Nicolae Ciucă: "Future projects aim to support competence centers, Romanian researchers, from the country but also from the diaspora. It is an initiative with a double benefit, around researchers from the diaspora important entrepreneurial projects and measures will crystallize. You have a reliable ally in the Government of Romania, for the success of this major project of the Romanian scientific diaspora, organized in Timișoara in 2023."
Ligia Deca: "I congratulate the Timișoara University Alliance because it is once again at the forefront of the coagulation of strong university communities, this time through the event dedicated to the Romanian diaspora, in 2023, the year in which Timișoara will be the cultural epicenter of Europe."
Marilen Gabriel Pirtea: "Today's event is organized by the Timișoara University Alliance together with UEFISCD, with the consistent support of the Romanian Government and, especially, the Prime Minister. Constantin Brâncuși used to say: "Things are not difficult to do. It's hard to put yourself in the mood to do them." Now it's Timișoara's turn to show that it has all the cultural and scientific resources to carry out big projects. Timisoara is a multi-ethnic, multicultural city with a rich Central European history, with a community of 45 thousand students and researchers, who enrich the cultural life and guide the future of the city. We are honored to host this great event of Romania, next year."
The organizers of the Conference invite you to Timișoara, between April 11-13, 2023, in the year in which the program of the European Capital of Culture 2023 will take place, with an organizer in which the fifth edition of the Smart Diaspora international meeting will also be registered.
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