The Western University of Timișoara (UVT), as the Beneficiary, is pleased to invite you to participate in the opening event of the project "Digital pedagogy for teachers from the Western Region" ID 18, project financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Component 15 - Education / Reform 5 - Adoption of the legislative framework for the digitization of education, Investment 8 - On-the-job training program for teaching staff and financier for the call for projects "Digital pedagogy for teachers from pre-university education". The project is implemented in partnership with the University of Bucharest and the houses of the teaching staff in the counties of Alba, Arad, Caraș-Severin, Gorj, Hunedoara, Mehedinți and Timiş.
The event will take place Thursday, January 9, 2025, starting from at 13:00, in space of the A01 amphitheater (UVT main office, V. Pârvan no. 4). The conference will be attended by the project team, its coordinator, prof. univ.dr. Marian Ilie, together with media representatives and guests from among the teachers involved in the project.
We are waiting for you!
For more information, please contact us!
Adela Sora-Nijloveanu – Image and promotion expert (EIP)
Phone – 0256592338, E-mail: