"Where does Constantine's journey begin and end?"

The basis of the discussion that we will have together on Friday, April 12, in the A01 Amphitheater of UVT, is the book "Constantin's Path: Brâncusi's Escape from Romania", by Sorin Trânca. This volume offers a detailed and fascinating insight into the escape of the famous sculptor Constantin Brâncusi from Romania. During the dialogue, the author Sorin Trânca and lect. university […]

UVT, signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum – MCU 2020

The Western University of Timișoara recently signed the Magna Charta Universitatum - MCU 2020, thus confirming its commitment to the promotion of academic autonomy, social responsibility and university values, thus becoming a member of a community dedicated to the continuous development of higher education. Magna Charta Universitatum is the document that brings together the fundamental principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy [...]

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