Rural Mobility in Ostana, Italy

Rural Mobility in Ostana, Italy

Six students from five countries, different backgrounds and studies, speaking different languages, living three weeks together in a smart rural village: this is UNITA Rural Mobility. Discover it!

August is a time to relax and holidays for everyone, but it wasn’t that at all for our six international students who on the 16th of August went to Ostana, a rural village at 1250 a.s.l, in the north-western Alps, very close to the French border, in front of the Monviso peak.

They lived an amazing and unique experience in the framework of UNITA Rural Mobility, a pilot project of our UNITA alliance. The students had the opportunity to work and learn in a context of smart and sustainable development in rural and mountain areas.

The project has, like many successful recipes, three main ingredients:

  • Internationalization;
  • Interdisciplinarity;
  • Innovation;

Andrea, Catalina, Marcos, Veronica, William and Andressa coming from UNITA Universities in Italy, Romania, Spain, France and Portugal took the challenge of a new kind of traineeship entering a path of discovery and study in the contemporary mountain, ranging from the territory to the community, from culture to nature, under the expert guide of the VISO A VISO team and in tight collaboration with the university research centre Alpstream.

Co-live, co-learn and co-work, that is what UNITA students did for three weeks in Ostana. Supporting Viso A Viso in ongoing cultural projects and community building, they actively contributed to the creation of original material for the Living Library of the Alps and collaborated with experts in cataloguing a rich bibliographic collection for the Open Library of Ostana.

Get up at four in the morning to explore the mountain territory with professional guides, discovering the Rio Martino Grotta, hiking to Buco di Viso (the first gallery, built in 1479, linking France and Italy) and learning about the local fauna, biodiversity and river management with researchers. All this was not just for fun, but to collect and elaborate data for the creation of the game MONVISO PLAY on the MAB-UNESCO cross-border area of Monviso, a project co-designed by Viso A Viso with the National Mountain Museum of Turin and Fabio Viola, one of the leading gaming expert in Italy.

Sharing this unique experience, the team evolved day by day, learning from their different backgrounds, discovering and experiencing intercomprehension strategies, entering in contact with local people and caring for each other. 

A very intense and well-designed program, made possible by the cooperation with our UNITA partners, the local entities in Ostana and the joint effort of the many people involved at UNITO (administrative staff, professors, young researchers), the Viso A Viso team, our UNITA-Rural mobility students and of course our UNITA offices.

This is the kind of experience that you will never forget, which likely results in a transformative impact not only for the students but also for the hosting community!

The success of this pilot project is the best trigger to expand Rural-mobility in our territory and increase the number of students involved for the next years. We will put all our effort and we count on Andrea, Catalina, Marcos, Veronica, William and Andressa as UNITA Rural mobility ambassadors to spread enthusiasm about this project among the UNITA student community.

Stay tuned for October.

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Cursuri de vară la FLIT

În perioada 15-27 iulie, Facultatea de Litere, Istorie și Teologie a organizat Cursurile de vară de limbă, cultură și civilizație românească, devenind astfel, timp de

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