Induction Week – “Welcome to WUT”

Induction Week – “Welcome to WUT”

For “freshmen” students, the academic year at West University of Timisoara (WUT), begun
with the Induction Week “Welcome to WUT”, that took place in the last week of September,
7 days before the teaching activities started.

In the period September 20th – 26th, 2021, students enrolled in the 1st year of undergraduate study programs were welcome at WUT to discover what being a student means, how the university environment works and what opportunities they have from this position.

The program of the Induction Week at WUT implied introductory and adaptation events, information sessions, counseling and orientation sessions in the university environment, tours of Timisoara and visits to cultural institutions in the city, teambuilding activities, cultural events, conferences, debates, exhibitions, theater performances, film screenings, concerts, etc.

The activities that were specially designed for “freshmen” were meant to help students learn more about the university and how it works, about their study programmes, about the rights and opportunities they have as WUT students, about the teachers with whom they will interact, about the schedule and many other information needed to start a new chapter in their lives as students. They will also have the opportunity to discover Timisoara and its cultural institutions, and to participate in a whole series of cultural-artistic events.

The Induction Week at WUT also aimed to facilitate the transition from pre-university to university environment for students enrolled in the 1st year of undergraduate studies, by organizing counseling, orientation, initiation, integration and support activities and events during the week before the beginning of the academic year.

More precisely, all “freshmen” students at WUT had the opportunity to attend activities such as:

  • workshops meant to present the faculties/departments of WUT or of the various institutions
    of interest for students in Timisoara;
  • training sessions for the development of transversal competencies and skills necessary for
    the higher education system;
  • presentations of the various institutions or facilities that can be enjoyed in WUT or in
  • conferences with various personalities from the scientific, cultural or sports world;
  • visits to various cultural objectives in the city;
  • guided tour of Timisoara;
  • participation in cultural/educational events in partnership with cultural institutions in the
  • teambuilding activities.

The Induction Week at WUT ended with a unique event in Romania, called Univibes, which
transformed the entire university into a great location for concerts, art exhibitions and parties.

Well-known international and local artists transformed, for one day, the WUT headquarters into a
dancefloor, to celebrate together the beginning of a new academic year.

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