Geminae Program – UNITA’s partner universities around the world

UNITA is aware that many of its objectives, such as creating flexible and personalized curriculums, fostering civic engagement, introducing innovative pedagogies, achieving sustainable impact and blue growth and increasing entrepreneurial mindsets and international competitiveness, will be only achieved through a strong inter-university long term cooperation. This led us to design and launch UNITA International cooperation […]

Governance Board meeting in Pau – 22-24 September

The city of Pau, France, was the host of the second face-to-face meetings of the heads of the universities that are part of UNITA – Universitas Montium on the 22- 24th of September, 2021. The meetings were aimed at discussing the continuity of the project,analyzing the activities launched so far and preparing those for the […]

Kick-Off Re-UNITA

UNITA-Universitas Montium has once more enlarged its scientific and innovating horizons, this time with the kick-off meeting of Re-UNITA, an ambitious project won in European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.  Re-UNITA does not only deepen UNITA’s main interest areas, research and innovation, but also symbolizes a new set of opportunities for scientists, researchers […]

Rural Mobility in Ostana, Italy

Six students from five countries, different backgrounds and studies, speaking different languages, living three weeks together in a smart rural village: this is UNITA Rural Mobility. Discover it! August is a time to relax and holidays for everyone, but it wasn’t that at all for our six international students who on the 16th of August […]

UNITA’s Student-Centered Pedagogies – Workshops-

The Universitas Montium Consortium-UNITA launched an invitation to all the teaching and administrative staff of its six member universities to attend the very first event of its Teaching & Learning Centers network. This event was aimed at exchanging good practices on student-centered pedagogies, with a particular focus on collaborative learning and transversal skills. The event took place […]

Last day to fill in: Survey on European identity and citizenship

Following the initiative of the  UNITA – „Universitas Montium” project, we kindly invite you to participate in a survey, conducted in order to collect various perceptions on European identity and citizenship.The anonymous questionnaire is intended to provide support for the online workshop on the meaning of European identity and citizenship, and the results will support the organizers in adapting the workshop […]

„Noțiuni introductive pentru utilizarea instrumentelor digitale educaționale” & „Arta învățării” – webinare pentru studenți organizate de echipa CCOC-UVT

Un nou an universitar a început, iar Centrul de Consiliere și Orientare în Carieră (CCOC) al Universității de Vest din Timișoara (UVT) dorește să vină în sprijinul studenților, pentru a avea un parcurs cât mai lin și încrezător! Astfel, CCOC-UVT propune două webinare ale căror tematici vor aborda noțiuni introductive în ceea ce privește utilizarea […]

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